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Cryo Chamber

The Insidious Semantics Of “Gun Control”

By Kirby Ferris 

Copyright 2011, link Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

“Gun Control” advocates fall into only two categories: the Liars and the Ignorant. There is no third category.

The Liars invent the lies. The Ignorant believe the lies and repeat them.

Truly fervent “gun control” advocates are quite often mentally ill. Their most common clinical symptoms, projection and denial, are barely below the surface.

Because they often entertain a warped contempt of other human beings, they don’t trust themselves with guns, so they would prohibit firearms to all. They also entertain a primitive superstition about an inanimate object: “Guns are bad! Guns kill people!”-[source]

1 comment to The Insidious Semantics Of “Gun Control”

  • james

    Sarah Brady has prostituted herself in the name of Gun Control. She has become rich and famous because of it. The Brady Bill has made them rich beyond their dreams, the liberals have use her and Jim Brady to promote their evil intentions to disarm America. Most liberals don’t care about the truth, the lies they spread are OK for them as long as it promotes their cause.

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