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Cryo Chamber

Internet Search Yields Bogus Arms Parts From China

U.S. government investigators, using a fictitious company, were able to easily find electronic parts for weapons from China on the Internet and every single item they bought was counterfeit, despite China’s pledge to crack down on fake products.

A new report by the congressional Government Accountability Office showed that 334 of 396 vendors who offered [...]

Drug Lords Targeted By Fast & Furious Were FBI Informants

When the ATF made alleged gun trafficker Manuel Fabian Celis-Acosta its primary target in the ill-fated Fast and Furious investigation, this it hoped he would lead the agency to two associates who were Mexican drug cartel members. The ATF even questioned and released him knowing that he was wanted by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

But [...]

U.S. Seeks More Powerful Bunker Busting Bomb

The Pentagon is seeking a more powerful bomb after acknowledging that the U.S.’s largest bomb, the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, is not capable of destroying Iran’s most heavily fortified underground facilities, Fox News confirms.

“We’ve long said we need the capability these weapons will provide us,” Capt. John Kirby, Pentagon spokesman told Fox News.

“We’re committed [...]

Americans buy record numbers of guns for Christmas

Americans bought record numbers of guns last month amid an apparent surge in popularity for weapons as Christmas presents. [...]

Amid Cuts, Judge Warns Citizens To Arm Selves

A judge in the county that’s Ohio’s largest by land area says sheriff’s department budget cuts means citizens should be vigilant and arm themselves.

The warning comes from northeast Ohio’s mostly rural Ashtabula County, see where the sheriff’s department has been cut from 112 to 49 deputies.

With deputies assigned to transport prisoners and serve [...]