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Something Completely Different
Remember the corrupt tactics used by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass ObamaCare? The secret meetings? The refusal to let the American people see the language?
Well, cialis 40mg he’s at it again. This time, Reid is abusing his role as Majority Leader of the Senate to block a pro-gun amendment that Sen. Rand [...]
In the wake of a Government Accountability Office report that 247 people on the FBI’s terror watch list were permitted to purchase guns last year, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Chicago) proposed an amendment to the PATRIOT Act that would prevent anyone on a terror list from buying a firearm. Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee voted [...]
Despite having no Internet access in his hideout, buy Osama bin Laden was a prolific email writer who built a painstaking system that kept him one step ahead of the U.S. government’s best eavesdroppers.
His methods, described in new detail to The Associated Press by a counterterrorism official and a second person briefed on the [...]
Keeping American weapons from getting into the hands of Mexican gangs is the goal of a program called “Project Gunrunner.” But critics say it’s doing exactly the opposite. CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports on what she found.
December 14, 2010. The place: a dangerous smuggling route in Arizona not far from the border. [...]
By Kirby Ferris
I’m very worried about the state of affairs over at America’s finest law enforcement agency, purchase the Bureau of Alcohol, cialis 40mg Tobacco, approved Firearms, and Explosives. The BATFE.
I was thinking how terrible this whole “Project Gunwalker” is going to become for the BATFE. It appears that this sterling group of [...]
Since the Tucson tragedy, anti-gun Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) has been hovering like a vulture, waiting to pick the bones of the victims for political advantage.
Now he has his chance.
The same Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization which provided a vote on the repeal of ObamaCare may well be the vehicle for a series [...]
A tidal wave of violence in Mexico spills over our border, viagra order washing through our country. Criminal aliens shoot Arizona rancher and NRA Life member Robert Krentz in cold blood. All while the anti-gunners in Washington blame Mexican corruption on American gun owners — trying to take your guns rather than take back the [...]
An iPhone app that tracks down the Taliban has been developed by a U.S. soldier — who put $26, more about 000 of his own money into the project.
The idea for a smartphone application to assist soldiers in combat came to Capt. Jonathan J. Springer in a dream last July, viagra approved he said [...]
Improvised explosive devices are one of the biggest threats to soldiers in Afghanistan and across the world. They unleash a shock wave that can travel about 1, online 000 feet per second and hit with a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch. The U.S. Army’s standard-issue Kevlar combat helmet absorbs some of that force, [...]
After almost eight years of U.S. occupation and nation-building in Iraq, pill elements of contemporary Western civilization finally are taking root in this Middle Eastern nation. The Nanny State has finally arrived in Baghdad. As noted in a recent story in The New York Times, diagnosis Iraq’s Ministry of Health is pushing for a ban [...]
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