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Have we mentioned that this isn't your fathers' 2nd Amendment Website?
Something Completely Different
It just never ends; at least for the next two years, cost and if the first two were anything to go on, they can seem like an eternity. It is nonetheless scary to contemplate what more harm that these people can do; this time, to our very precious Second Amendment rights.
The Bureau of Alcohol, [...]
We haven’t heard much about gun control lately here in America, dosage and I am beginning to believe that is by design. The Obama Administration is hoping for Senate ratification of the treaty, which would, almost certainly, gut the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.
The fact of the matter is this: The UN Small [...]
As opposed to the increasingly absurd steps being taken to identify and keep weapons off commercial aircraft, it would be advisable and practical to identify and empower volunteer counter-terrorists among the passengers, initially at least on domestic flights or on international flights by domestic carriers. This could even extend to arming those passengers on the [...]
“M1 for Vets” Purpose:
“M1 for Vets” is A non-profit organization dedicated to financial and logistical support of returning Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), recipe Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and the Global War on Terror (GWT) “Transitioning Combat Wounded Veterans” for the purpose of competing in national shooting sports.
“M1 for Vets” Theme:
“From the Greatest [...]
The United Nations is holding secret closed meetings to work out a global arms trade treaty. The agreement, which could be finished by 2012, is a threat to Americans’ Second and First Amendment rights.
“Some type of micro-stamping regulations seems all but inevitable. It is very, very likely,” the Heritage Foundation’s Theodore R. Bromund, who [...]
The gun control fanatics in Congress are at it again, capitalizing on the public’s media- and government-induced fear of terrorism and contrived anecdotes to promote their watch list and gun control/gun-grabbing measures for all Americans.
In early May there was a hearing in the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs that gave perennial [...]
Call me cynical, this web but whenever I hear anti-gun politicians talk about these issues nowadays, I’ve come to expect a new thinly-veiled assault on our Second Amendment freedoms.
Either they want to ban our guns, track our guns . . .
. . . Or track us.
Well, after years of watching our illegal [...]
Mere suspicion doesn’t warrant violating rights
Months before he loaded his SUV with propane tanks and fireworks and drove to Times Square, police say, Faisal Shahzad went to a firearms store and bought a rifle. It was found in his other car at JFK International Airport, where his name showed up on the no-fly [...]
In 1950, Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) waved his infamous “enemies” list. Innocent Americans were imprisoned and many more “blacklisted.” McCarthyites exploited the buzzword “communism” to intimidate. Today’s McCarthy? New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Today’s buzzword? “Terrorism.” Today’s list? The secret terrorist watch list, with a million names or more. No one knows who’s on it, [...]
Sen. David Vitter, buy information pills R-La., look whose support for gun rights has earned him support from the National Rifle Association, order is considering whether to buck the organization and back a bill barring people on the U.S. terrorism watch list from buying guns.
“The recent attempted bombing in Times Square by a naturalized [...]
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