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Cryo Chamber

New York Hospital Sends Man Home With GSW

A shooting victim says a New York City hospital sent him home with a bullet still lodged in his neck and told him to come back four days later to have it removed.

Ricardo Acevedo was hit while replacing a security camera outside a Bronx convenience store. Investigators believe the shots were fired by a [...]

Va. Tech President Defends Response To 2007 Shootings

Virginia Tech’s president Friday defended the university’s actions during a 2007 campus attack that left 33 people dead in the worst shooting spree in modern US history.

Charles Steger took the stand Friday in a wrongful death trial commenced by parents of two of the shooting victims.

The parents claim Virginia Tech officials might have [...]

Gunman Dead After Rampage At Psychiatric Clinic

A man armed with two semiautomatic handguns entered the lobby of a psychiatric clinic at the University of Pittsburgh on Thursday and opened fire, killing one person and wounding several others before he was shot dead, apparently by campus police, the mayor said.

Six people were wounded by the man’s gunfire, Mayor Luke Ravenstahl said. [...]

Stop “McCarthyite” Gun Control

Like vultures, advice anti-gun congressmen are always picking the bones of some national tragedy looking for political advantage.

?And the horrific shooting in Tucson earlier this year is just another example, as a string of anti-gun bills have been introduced recently. You may have seen a television ad about one of them: H.R. 308, introduced [...]

Free Weapons Training To Abuse Victims

Domestic abuse victims would be offered free self-defense and firearms training by sheriffs under a measure being considered in the Iowa House.

Advocates said Monday that the issue is about empowering victims.-[source]