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Have we mentioned that this isn't your fathers' 2nd Amendment Website?
Something Completely Different
By Kirby Ferris
Copyright 2011, link Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership “Gun Control” advocates fall into only two categories: the Liars and the Ignorant. There is no third category.
The Liars invent the lies. The Ignorant believe the lies and repeat them.
Truly fervent “gun control” advocates are quite often mentally ill. Their [...]
The economy’s in the tank – unemployment has been in double digits for a couple of years.
The state budget has a $10.8 billion hole in it.
It’s June, sickness but yesterday it was 53 degrees and raining in the Bay Area.
And now, medical just to make us feel even worse about the Golden [...]
With Congressional investigators now on the ground in Arizona, visit this site as reported by CBS News and this column , view new revelations about the controversial “Project Gunrunner” and its Phoenix off-shoot, try “Operation Fast and Furious” are anticipated during the National Rifle Association convention, which opens here tomorrow, but one thing is clear [...]
Don’t like being taxed to pay for wasteful government programs? Want to ensure your Second Amendment rights aren’t infringed upon? Willing to attend rallies to peacefully and legally demonstrate how important these issues are to you?
Then you — yes, you! — just might be a “terrorist.”
According to bulletins issued to the Pennsylvania Office [...]
The U.S. federal government collected $20.6 billion in taxes on alcohol, tobacco, firearms and ammunition in fiscal year 2009, up 41 percent from the previous fiscal year.
In October 2009, firearms and ammunition excise tax collection climbed 45 percent from the previous fiscal year, the greatest annual increase in the firearms tax revenue in the [...]
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