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Cryo Chamber

Critic’s Misguided View of Gun Ranges Bill;NSSF Provides Facts

In response to a recent op-ed in the Colorado Springs Gazette (“Government should not be in the shooting range business”), doctor NSSF would like to help clarify what the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act (S. 1249/H.R. 3065) will accomplish.

First, more about however, we must correct some statements the writer has made. The [...]

NBC Shows Anti-Gun Bias . . . Again

In an attempt to combat failing ratings, try NBC’s Rock Center on Wednesday night aired another biased and sensationalized piece on Remington Arms, pilule and America’s firearms industry. The Rock Center reporter, approved Scott Cohn, has a well established anti-gun bias — as evidenced by his 2010 “story” on the Remington 700. Cohn and NBC [...]


We’ve all heard that amusingly hypocritical line, web “Lay in a big supply before the hoarders get it all!” Indeed, we shooters all lived through that in 2008 and for a good time after. People who feared the Obama administration would make good on the new President’s previously declared wishes to ban assault rifles bought [...]

Detective In 50-Shot Killing Of NYC Man Is Fired

An undercover police detective who fired the first bullets in a 50-shot barrage that killed an unarmed New York City man as he left his bachelor party has been fired and three other officers involved in the slaying will resign, store ending a disciplinary process that dragged on for nearly 5½ years.

Police Commissioner [...]


Kansas Senator Jerry Moran’s newly-introduced legislation to protect Second Amendment rights from a proposed United Nations small arms treaty is an idea that needs to be passed quickly, cialis 40mg the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Sen. Moran’s proposed Second Amendment Sovereignty Act, stomach S. 2205, is similar [...]


A proposal by Baltimore, pharm Maryland mayoral candidate Otis Rolley to levy a tax of $1 per cartridge in an effort to cut down crime and random gunfire in the city is typical of an anti-gun liberal who decries urban violence but offers a way for government to profit from it while not solving the [...]

Giving A Firearm As A Gift? Some Reminders From NSSF

The holidays are just around the corner. As hunters, more about shooters, price collectors or just plain plinkers, information pills it’s a natural instinct to want to share our enjoyment of firearms with others. What better way to do that than to make a gift of a firearm to a family member, close friend or [...]