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Cryo Chamber

Brookfield Pays Woman Who Brought Gun To Church $7,500

The woman who was arrested at gunpoint after she wore her gun to a church in Brookfield, and a gun rights group, have settled a lawsuit against the city and the officers who arrested her for $7,500.

An attorney for the city said police will still always respond in force to calls of a person [...]

AZ Lawmaker: Faculty, Students Should Carry Guns On Campus

Saying everyone but criminals will be safer, a veteran legislator wants to let qualified faculty carry guns on university and community college campuses.

Sen. Jack Harper, R-Surprise, said Wednesday there has been a history of situations where someone with a grudge comes onto a campus, goes into a classroom and starts shooting. He said the [...]

Schools Teach That An Unarmed Society Is Safer

An interesting legal case is playing out in Montana. A 16-year-old honor student, for sale varsity cheerleader and student council member inadvertently brought a deer-hunting rifle onto school property unloaded and secured in the trunk of her car. During the day she realized it was in her trunk in violation of school rules so she [...]

NRA gun safety education in schools

Starting next school year, more about a new law allows local school boards to offer gun safety education in elementary schools, based on a program from the National Rifle Association.

The law requires that the program use guidelines based on “the rules of the National Rifle Association’s Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program.”

That program tells children [...]

Expulsion for guns in truck overturned by education board

In the end, the case of a Willows teenager expelled for having hunting guns in his pickup truck parked next to campus didn’t focus on gun rights.

It became a question of whether the authority of school officials to enforce the state’s Education Code extended to the school fence – or a sidewalk’s width beyond [...]