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Something Completely Different
Starting on May 1, what is ed 2010, all applicants for concealed handguns will be able to complete the entire application form, as well as schedule their digital fingerprint appointments online. “Completing the application form online is convenient for applicants and will allow us to process applications faster,” said RenEarl Bowie, the Assistant Director, Regulatory [...]
Regular readers are familiar with my “Only Ones” files, named in “honor” of a DEA agent who told a roomful of school kids he was the “only one…professional enough” to carry a gun and who then proceeded to shoot himself in the foot. As I’ve explained numerous times, I don’t post such stories to “denigrate” [...]
Fearful that America’s Supreme Court will soon strike down Chicago’s handgun ban, page frustrated by the Illinois legislature’s rejection of his anti-gun agenda, and repudiated by American courts and legislatures over his plan to sue federally licensed manufacturers and dealers of firearms for third-party crimes, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley (D) is showing contempt for his [...]
I propose that the “firearms fraternity” begin placing as much emphasis on voting and voter education as we do on safety and safety education.
Unintentional firearms injuries and fatalities have dropped by some 60% over the past 20 years while the number of firearms in circulation has more than doubled. These amazing results are not [...]
Some 4,000 American females are murdered each year. A female in the United States is 3 times more likely to be murdered than a female in Canada, 5 times more likely to be murdered than a female in Germany, and 8 times more likely to be murdered than a female in England and Wales. The [...]
While the Obama-led federal government appears indifferent, if not averse, to the Constitution, various state governments across the country are embracing the founding document anew.
We’ve seen this via the 10th Amendment movement and the state-led opposition to Obamacare. And recently, Arizona’s Republican Governor Jan Brewer has shown another way back to the Constitution by [...]
Since our officers will now have to spend time on the road delivering criminals to Riverside County Jail in Indio, response times will of course be long or not at all. Therefore, I guess I’ll be heading to the local gun shop to arm myself. Thank goodness my father taught me to shoot in my [...]
Pistol-packing Texas Gov. Rick Perry has a message for wily coyotes out there: Don’t mess with my dog.
Perry told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he needed just one shot from the laser-sighted pistol he sometimes carries while jogging to take down a coyote that menaced his puppy during February run in an undeveloped [...]
The National Rifle Association announced its support for critical legislation being introduced in Congress today by Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.), and Representatives Travis Childers (D-Miss.) and Mark Souder (R-Ind.). The Second Amendment Enforcement Act will restore Second Amendment rights to residents of the District of Columbia. This legislation is necessary because [...]
The false paranoia was thick last week during the Second Amendment March in Washington where gun advocates were demonstrating for their right to bear arms.
Granted, viagra 100mg Washington is no stranger to groups protesting injustices, social or criminal. But gun advocates’ fear for their Second Amendment rights seems about as misplaced as the banking [...]
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