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Something Completely Different
The gun control fanatics in Congress are at it again, capitalizing on the public’s media- and government-induced fear of terrorism and contrived anecdotes to promote their watch list and gun control/gun-grabbing measures for all Americans.
In early May there was a hearing in the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs that gave perennial [...]
When Winston Churchill, medications then Prime Minister of Great Britain, addressed a joint gathering of the United States Senate and House of Representatives less than three weeks after the attack on Pearl Harbor, it was a speech delivered at the right time, in the right place, to the right people. It helped strengthen and define [...]
In the new edition of More Guns, pharm Less Crime, drugs economist John R. Lott, Jr., easily dispels any lingering doubt that allowing citizens to carry concealed handguns is strongly associated with—if not a direct cause for—lowering the rates of violent crime.
“The hypothesis that more guns connects to less crime has stood up against [...]
Call me cynical, this web but whenever I hear anti-gun politicians talk about these issues nowadays, I’ve come to expect a new thinly-veiled assault on our Second Amendment freedoms.
Either they want to ban our guns, track our guns . . .
. . . Or track us.
Well, after years of watching our illegal [...]
Following calls by Mexican President Felipe Calderon that the United States re-institute a ban on modern sporting rifles, or so-called “assault weapons,” the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) – the trade association for America’s firearms industry – issued the following statement:
“While we respect the work of President Calderon to willingly take on his country’s [...]
For the third year in a row, look violent crime has declined in the United States while increasing numbers of American citizens own firearms and are licensed to carry, order a trend that belies predictions of anti-gunners that more guns will result in more crime, more about the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep [...]
Ownership and carrying of guns by people living and working on U.S. military bases could end up part of next week’s debate in a Senate committee on the $760 billion defense policy bill.
Sen. James Inhofe, no rx R-Okla., a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, introduced a bill Thursday that addresses one [...]
Adhering to a pattern of behavior that has developed over the years, page a tiny contingent of gun prohibitionists paraded outside of the Charlotte Convention Center while the National Rifle Association was hosting its record-breaking members’ meeting, but they remained only long enough to get some camera time with local news crews.
Paul Helmke, president [...]
The federal government is arguing in a gun-rights case pending in federal court in Montana that state plans to exempt in-state guns from various federal requirements themselves make the laws void, pharmacy because the growing movement certainly would impact “interstate commerce.”
The government continues to argue to the court that the Commerce Clause in the [...]
Emeryville’s Chief of Police, Ken James – outspoken proponent of a measure that would criminalize the open carrying of firearms in all public areas of the state – will be attending a public forumdebate on May 26th entitled, “Exploring California’s Open Carry Policy.”
James has argued that AB 1934, which the California Assembly Appropriations Committee [...]
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