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Cryo Chamber


The federal Environmental Protection Agency has received a petition to ban lead in hunting ammunition and fishing tackle, site and Oregon wildlife officials are watching with some concern.

Also worried are people in the shooting sports.

“This is a serious issue for anyone who likes to target practice, shoot for fun or enjoy hunting, and [...]

Little Sign Won’t Stop The Criminal With Gun

I ate lunch at a Clarksville restaurant and was dismayed to see the little sign on the door — the picture of the handgun with the red circle around it and slash through it, information pills meaning, “No Guns Allowed in Here.”

I lawfully took my gun out of its holster, placed it in one [...]

Armed American Radio:Listen In

As I was sitting in the “green room” at the FOX studios in New York City on June 23rd, this site 2010 John Stossel sat down beside me and asked in that famous Stossel tone , here “Armed American Radio?…So how can a radio…be armed”? I’m sure he took notice of the puzzled look on [...]


The Second Amendment Foundation and a Baltimore County, erectile MD man today sued Maryland authorities in federal court because the man’s handgun permit renewal was turned down on the grounds that he could not demonstrate “a reasonable precaution against apprehended danger.”

The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland.

Joining [...]

Increased Bear Attacks Confirms Need For Guns In Parks

The political effort leading to adoption last year of a new statute allowing defensive firearms to be carried in national parks got a major affirmation – albeit tragic – Wednesday morning when a bear rampaged through a campground near Yellowstone National Park, killing one person and injuring two other campers.

One can probably knock on [...]

Arizona’s Concealed-Weapon Law Takes Effect

Today is the day gun-rights advocates have had in their sights for a long time.

Starting today, more about Arizona residents at least 21 years old can carry a concealed weapon without a permit.

The change is part of a broad weapons law by state Sen. Russell Pearce passed by the state Legislature in April [...]

Chicago Gun Lawsuit Plaintiffs Apply For Permits

Two years after filing a lawsuit that ultimately forced the city to dismantle its 28-year-old handgun ban, Otis McDonald walked into a police station Monday and applied for a permit allowing him to keep a gun at home.

The process took only 20 minutes, but McDonald said some of the requirements to obtain the [...]

Courage Under Fire

Would you be scared in a gunfight or would you be courageous under fire?

Courage is best described as doing what needs to be done, and even when you know your actions place you in danger.

A gunfight is dangerous. You can get killed in the blink of an eye.

So how do you control [...]

Gun Sales Up After Murray Home Invasion

A July 12th home invasion left Murray homeowner and businessman Chuck Wynn and one of his alleged assailants injured after an exchange of gunfire. Murray police have charged two men with attempted murder in the incident and four others in connection with the break-in. Chris Taylor sits down with Wynn to talk about what happened [...]

TOP SHOT Season 2

THE HISTORY CHANNEL is seeking SKILLED MARKSMEN for the second season of its hit competition show If you are skilled with a pistol, medical rifle, find or any other firearm, you could win $100,000 in prizes on History Channel’s hit marksmanship competition show, TOP SHOT. Producers are looking for anyone with mind-blowing shooting skills and [...]