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Cryo Chamber

Child Points Gun At Mother On Video

A valley mother was arrested after police found pictures and video of her 3-year-old daughter playing with a loaded gun.

Investigators say the video of Wendy Fuentes’ daughter showed her pointing a loaded Glock pistol at her mother – with a voice in the background saying “Show me how you point the gun at mom” [...]

Life Is Too Precious To Run Out Of Bullets

Rabbi Bendory Minutes before lunatic Jared Loughner began his mayhem in Arizona, buy information pills the issue of a Federal high capacity ammunition magazine ban was a complete political non-starter.

Obama didn’t go near it when he had Democratic majorities and he certainly wouldn’t have tried it after the election rout of 2010.

High cap [...]

Obama’s Stimulus-Funded Border Nightmare

Buried in Barack Obama’s failed trillion-dollar stimulus program was a $10 million bloody border racket that has now cost American lives. This goes far beyond the usual waste, fraud and abuse underwritten by progressive profligacy. It’s bloodstained government malfeasance overseen by anti-gun ideologues — and now anti-gun ideologue Attorney General Eric Holder will “investigate.”

Welcome [...]

ATF Chief Absent At Gunwalker Scandal Hearing

The Department of Justice and ATF have missed repeated deadlines to turn over information and documents to Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), who’s investigating. ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson (at left) was scheduled to appear before a Senate hearing Thursday, in which he would likely have been asked questions about the scandal. However, CBS News has [...]

“I Have A Gun!”

Things Not To Say To A Cop

Prior to riding a desk and writing about guns, sale I was a cop. I worked for more than a decade in uniform patrol as a beat cop, supervisor and trainer. In that time, I saw and heard just about anything you can imagine.

One of the nicest [...]



Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke has, malady perhaps inadvertently, revealed his intentions to push for an expanded ban on semiautomatic sport-utility rifles, and he invented a new demon in the process, proving he has no intention of finding common ground with gun owners, the Citizens Committee for the [...]

JPFO Launches “High Cap Freedom”

JPFO today launches “The High Capacity Freedom Campaign”.

First, doctor some background to highlight the hypocrisy and stupidity of a high-capacity magazine ban.

Imagine you bought a Glock 17 9mm pistol a year ago. Your purchase was legal and included two 17-round magazines. Now along come Obama and other “common sense” gun-grabbers with a ban [...]

You’ll shoot your eye out with a 1MW laser pulse pistol

G.I. Joe used them to battle Cobra’s evil forces. Han solo shot his first in the Mos Eisley Cantina. For years, site hand-held pulse laser guns have been something that existed only in the realm of cartoons and movies…until now.

German hacker [Patrick Priebe] recently constructed a laser pulse gun that looks so good, it [...]

Permit Holders To Be Exempt From Background Checks

A measure that would exempt handgun permit holders from criminal background checks to buy weapons is one of two gun bills advancing in the state Senate.

The proposal sponsored by Republican Sen. Steve Southerland of Morristown was moved to the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday after passing the Senate Judiciary Committee 8-1. The companion bill [...]

WY House To Vote On Constitutional Carry Bill

Wyoming residents could carry concealed guns without a permit under a bill that has cleared its first hearing in the state House of Representatives.

The House voted 48-8 Wednesday in favor of the bill, price which already has passed the Senate.

If the bill passes, sales Wyoming still would continue to offer concealed-carry permits for [...]