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It would be easier for Wisconsin homeowners to protect themselves from intruders, under a new bill in the state Legislature.
Freshman Senate Republican Van Wangaard of Racine is sponsoring a measure in which homeowners would no longer have to prove their lives were threatened if they kill intruders in self-defense. Also, injured intruders would lose [...]
SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — Police can remove a gun from a car during a traffic stop to ensure their safety even when they have no specific suspicion that the occupants are dangerous and pose a threat, the state Supreme Court concluded in a ruling welcomed by law enforcement.
Protecting the safety of law enforcement [...]
The Second Amendment Foundation today filed suit in U.S. District Court in Virginia challenging the constitutionality of federal and Virginia provisions barring handgun sales to non-residents.
SAF is joined in the lawsuit by Michelle Lane, for sale a District of Columbia resident who cannot legally purchase handguns because there are no retail firearms dealers inside [...]
Michael Mitchell was a graduate student at the University of Kentucky who worked in the operating room at the UK Medical Center in April 2010 when a co-worker lied and told his supervisor that Michael had a gun in his locker.
He didn’t have a gun there, of course. But he then volunteered the information [...]
An effort to let Texans openly carry their handguns throughout the state is still alive in the Texas Legislature, but its days may be numbered.
A bill to give Texas gun owners the freedom to publicly tote their guns has passed a crucial hurdle, being approved by a House committee, but that might be as [...]
With Congressional investigators now on the ground in Arizona, visit this site as reported by CBS News and this column , view new revelations about the controversial “Project Gunrunner” and its Phoenix off-shoot, try “Operation Fast and Furious” are anticipated during the National Rifle Association convention, which opens here tomorrow, but one thing is clear [...]
In response to the police shooting of a Los Angeles teenager, pill state lawmakers on Tuesday backed a requirement that BB and pellet guns be made entirely with bright colors so that officers do not mistake them for deadly firearms.
The Senate Public Safety Committee approved the legislation sought by Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie [...]
Like vultures, advice anti-gun congressmen are always picking the bones of some national tragedy looking for political advantage.
?And the horrific shooting in Tucson earlier this year is just another example, as a string of anti-gun bills have been introduced recently. You may have seen a television ad about one of them: H.R. 308, introduced [...]
Police say witness statements show self-defense
SAN TAN VALLEY – Gilbert Police have released a lengthy report painting a grisly picture of a fatal shooting outside the San Tan Village Mall last Saturday evening.
Dozens of witnesses saw Mitchell Fickes go down in a hail of gunfire after an apparent road rage incident.
The report [...]
A bill allowing concealed handguns on Texas college campuses won another round of approval in the state Senate.The Senate Criminal Justice committee approved the bill Thursday on a 4-2 vote. The next step is a vote by the full Senate, price which approved a similar bill in 2009.The bill prevents universities from banning concealed handgun [...]
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