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Cryo Chamber

Zombie Headshots:A Matter Of Physics & Caliber Selection

Consider the skull: an armored, erectile curved structure with stiffening ribs and internal support structures located on top, unhealthy where it can swivel and use detection sensors to locate dangers. Sort of like the turret on a T-72 tanks, sales but with more forehead.

It is that way for the same reasons the Soviets designed [...]

Maine Man Uses .22 For Defense In Home Invasion

Think a .22-caliber handgun is insufficient for home defense? Don’t tell that to 24-year-old Daniel Williams of Hermon, approved Maine, nurse whose .22 proved more than adequate in fending off two men during a recent home invasion.

According to the Bangor Daily News, on February 16, at approximately 9 a.m., Williams was awakened by [...]

Homeowner Shoots, Kills Intruder

A Springville man Thursday shot and killed an intruder who police say woke up a sleeping couple in their bedroom and demanded they take him to an ATM for cash.

The intruder was identified as Armando Martinez Jr., 31, of Provo. Police said Martinez first took the time to make a snack and change his [...]

Senate Vote Would Shield CCW Holders

The Oregon Senate voted Thursday to make private the identities of applicants for concealed handgun licenses, and it defeated a separate measure that would have made it illegal for license holders to carry a gun on school grounds.

Gun rights proponents have tried for years to persuade the Legislature to declare that information about people [...]

Victory For Gun Rights In D.C.

The District has moved one step closer to showing due respect to the Second Amendment. Potential gun owners will now save hours of their time and hundreds of dollars as a council committee voted to eliminate hurdles meant to discourage the law-abiding from keeping arms in the nation’s capital.

The newly-drafted legislation eliminates the five-hour [...]

Texas Professor:OH School Shooting Is ‘Exercise Of 2A’

The suggestion by a University of Texas law professor that Monday’s deadly school shooting in Ohio was a “typical exercise of the Second Amendment” is an outrage, clinic the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

Calvin Johnson teaches law at UT in Austin, and his comments appeared in an e-mail that was exposed by a reporter [...]

Gun Rationing Limit Repeal Signed By VA Governor

Gov. Bob McDonnell signed legislation Tuesday repealing Virginia’s one-per-month limit on handgun purchases, scrapping a law that he voted for nearly two decades ago as a member of the General Assembly.

McDonnell’s decision to sign HB 940 was not a surprise. He said before the legislative session began that he supported repeal of the one-handgun-per-month [...]

Girlfriend Kills Man Who Dared Her To Shoot

A Florida woman was charged with manslaughter Friday after her boyfriend dared her to pull the trigger on an antique gun during an argument, viagra and she did — shooting him dead.

The man, 57, was shot in the face by Kimberly Gustafson, 50 at their Ocala home, about 80 miles (130km) northwest of Orlando, [...]

Man Shot Twice Trying To Shoot Caged Raccoon

A rural Redfield man is being treated for two gunshot wounds after an attempt to shoot a raccoon caught in a live trap backfired.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources says 68-year-old Larry Godwin was using a 22-caliber handgun to shoot the caged raccoon at around 11 a.m. Saturday when the bullet ricocheted off the [...]

Salt Lake City Police Chief Carries Gun To Intimidate Public

“Right from the start, buy more about let me say that I honor the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment, pharm although the editor in me wants to clarify its language to make it easier to understand,” columnist Peg McEntee for The Salt Lake City Tribune claims in a Friday opinion piece.

Evidently from McEntee’s “clarification,” the [...]