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A knife-wielding shoplifter was shot and killed inside a store in the Woodbridge Center shopping mall this afternoon after holding a person hostage, authorities said.
The shooting occurred at about 5 p.m. inside the Hollister store in the Sears section of the mall, The Star Ledger of Newark reported.
The newspaper, citing a source, said [...]
A man armed with two semiautomatic handguns entered the lobby of a psychiatric clinic at the University of Pittsburgh on Thursday and opened fire, killing one person and wounding several others before he was shot dead, apparently by campus police, the mayor said.
Six people were wounded by the man’s gunfire, Mayor Luke Ravenstahl said. [...]
The Second Amendment Foundation is delighted that the Washington State Supreme Court has unanimously denied the City of Seattle’s petition for review in the case of Winnie Chan v. City of Seattle, information pills a legal action brought by SAF, remedy the National Rifle Association and five individual plaintiffs.
The decision affirms the state’s long-standing [...]
Indiana soon will have an official state rifle to go along with the state tree, state stone and state flower.
The Indiana House voted 78-2 on Tuesday to declare the Grouseland the state’s official rifle. It is one of only six remaining long rifles made by famed Hoosier gunsmith John Small in the early 1800s.
I’m constantly getting questions about what various gun terms mean. Even those individuals who have been in the sport for a good period of time occasionally slip up and out of ignorance or, malady sometimes expediency, ailment slip in a wrong description or definition. I thought it might be interesting and, hopefully informative, to go [...]
Legislatures in a dozen states are considering laws that would eliminate requirements that residents obtain permits to carry concealed weapons.
Gun-control advocates view the efforts as part of a long-range strategy to eventually weaken gun laws across the country. But supporters say armed, recipe law-abiding citizens prevent crime.
Andrew Arulanandam, policy director for the National [...]
A well placed bullet might stop an aggressive grizzly, case but not shooting could be just as effective in protecting yourself in bear country, cialis 40mg according to a new study by Brigham Young University wildlife biologists.
Longtime bear biologist Tom Smith and colleagues analyzed 269 incidents of close-quarter bear-human conflict in Alaska between 1883 [...]
The Sheriff’s Department in Bossier Parish, sildenafil Louisiana announced a plan in 2010 to train local volunteers to use shotguns, rx riot gear and a .50-caliber machine gun mounted on what the sheriff called a “war wagon.” The program was part of “Operation Exodus,” a plan to prepare for a potential terrorist attack or local [...]
Phoenix police say there has been an officer-involved shooting near 10th Street and Indian School Road in Phoenix Wednesday morning. An emergency call came in at about 4:30 a.m. The woman who called said there was a prowler at the Villa Mirada Apartments. She said it might be her ex-boyfriend, who used to live there.
Almost 31 years ago as this is written, view I attended my first session at a major training site and learned the Weaver shooting stance from none other than Jeff Cooper. No matter what you think of the late Colonel Cooper personally, viagra 40mg if you deny him as the progenitor of all the various [...]
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