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Something Completely Different
A valley man wakes up to find an intruder standing over him with a gun. But it turns out that the homeowner had the upper hand.
An intruder held the homeowner’s loaded gun to his face early Sunday morning.
David Jennings said when your family’s well-being is at risk, you don’t really have time to [...]
Gov. Dennis Daugaard vetoed a measure Friday that would have allowed South Dakotans to carry concealed handguns without a permit as long as they had a driver’s license and met state standards for carrying guns.
In his veto message to the Legislature, the governor said he supports people’s right to carry a concealed handgun under [...]
A homeowner confronted and shot a burglar inside his own home Thursday afternoon, and Mesa Police are investigating.
It happened about 4 p.m. at a residence near Lindsay and McKellips.
A man who was at home by himself heard a disturbance in the back and grabbed his gun. He found an intruder, and fired at [...]
A troubling bill has hit the radar of Wisconsin Carry.
We began watching this bill a few weeks ago, abortion but it didn’t appear to have legs at that time. Now it does.
Senate Bill 555 is a bill that gives FROMER law enforcement folks the right to carry on private property EVEN IF THE [...]
This summer Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) introduced the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Act (S. 1249). This bi-partisan legislation will give states greater flexibility to use more of their designated federal wildlife resources (i.e. Pittman-Robertson funds) to establish safe recreational shooting areas. The legislation also allows for the proper management of existing shooting areas.
A [...]
A Denver police officer charged with beating his girlfriend claims that she provoked him by throwing a Justin Bieber doll at him.
Michael Nuanes, Jr., 37, is free on bond and facing charges that include misdemeanor assault causing injury and property damage, KMGH-TV reported Monday.
The charges stem from a January incident in which he [...]
A man is behind bars after a bizarre shooting at a Scottsdale nightclub.
Police said 31-year-old Jahnkay Summons tried to shoot his older brother outside Chasers Nightclub, medical which is at Hayden and Roosevelt.
He missed, and the bullet ended up grazing his 28-year-old cousin in the head.
The cousin was taken to a local [...]
A 34-year-old man has been accused of impersonating a police officer while at a bar in Chandler.
Last Wednesday night, hospital Matthew Gordon Williams, Jr. allegedly got into a verbal argument with another patron while at a Chandler bar.
The bartender told him she was going to call police and kept his credit card, so [...]
A knife-wielding attacker stabbed a judge and shot a sheriff’s deputy with her own gun in a county courthouse in Washington state on Friday, prompting a lockdown of schools and government buildings as police and SWAT teams searched for the attacker.
The gunman, described as relatively well dressed and carrying a briefcase, confronted the [...]
Virginia Tech’s president Friday defended the university’s actions during a 2007 campus attack that left 33 people dead in the worst shooting spree in modern US history.
Charles Steger took the stand Friday in a wrongful death trial commenced by parents of two of the shooting victims.
The parents claim Virginia Tech officials might have [...]
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