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Cryo Chamber

Why The Nation Is Arming Itself

With the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch volunteer who was legally carrying a 9-mm handgun, patient the familiar wail has arisen from our cultural and media elite:

America has too many guns!

“Open carry” and “concealed carry” laws should be repealed.

Florida’s “Stand-your-ground” law, link replicated in two dozen states, threatens [...]

One Dead In Shooting Outside Taco Bell

One person has died following a shooting in the parking lot of a south Phoenix Taco Bell.

It happened about 7:45 p.m. Tuesday near 51st Ave and Baseline.

According to police, sales a male driver and female passenger were at the drive thru when their car was approached by a man carrying a metal pipe.


Man shoots, Kills Intruder Who Broke Into His Home

A 30-year-old North Bend man was shot and killed shortly before midnight Friday after he broke into a home.

About 11:30 p.m., deputies responded to a call in the 300 block of Southeast 5th Street in North Bend after a woman had called and said a man was pounding on the doors and windows, yelling [...]

Man Arrested For Road Rage Assault

Police have arrested a Mesa man who they say pointed a gun at another driver during a road rage incident.

Sunday afternoon, someone called 911 to report a man in a dark blue Chevy truck pointed a long barrel gun at him. The 911 caller gave the dispatcher the suspect’s license plate number and what [...]

TPWD Approves Silencers

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approved opening a hunting season for deer in Dallas, decease Collin, information pills Rockwall and Galveston counties as part of changes to the 2012-13 Statewide Hunting Proclamation.

Under the new regulations, order the current season structure in Grayson County will be altered to allow full-season, either-sex whitetail harvest. The [...]

Biden:Let’s Crack Down On Guns

“It’s important that people be put in a position where their Second Amendment rights are protected, but that they also don’t, as a consequence of the laws, unintendedly put themselves in harm’s way … The idea that there’s this overwhelming additional security in the ownership and carrying concealed and deadly weapons… I think it’s the [...]


A Federal District Court Judge in Massachusetts today granted summary judgment in a Second Amendment Foundation case challenging that state’s denial of firearms licenses to permanent resident aliens.

U.S. District Court Judge Douglas P. Woodcock concluded that “…the Massachusetts firearms regulatory regime as applied to the individual plaintiffs, see contravenes the Second Amendment.”

The case [...]

OK Senate Amends, Passes Open Carry Bill

Requirements for people who want to openly carry guns in Oklahoma were changed Thursday in one of two bills in the state Legislature to make it mandatory to have proof of training but not a firearm license.

The changes passed by the Senate Public Safety Committee would require those who want to carry guns in [...]

Man Accused Of Brandishing Hatchet During Road Rage

A road rage incident gets totally out of hand in Mesa, viagra approved after police say Homer Clark threatened a woman with a hatchet.

The argument broke out Tuesday morning in an apartment complex. A confrontation between several people in a car and one man in a pickup truck apparently caused the commotion.

Police say [...]

Conceal Carry Permit Holder Stops Shooter

A concealed carry permit holder in Boiling Springs, SC was able to detain a shooter at his local church this Sunday until Sheriff’s deputies arrived on the scene.

Jesse Gates, an attendee at Boiling Springs’ South Side Freewill Baptist Church was acting like he was having a heart attack on Sunday morning, according to Rev. [...]