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Sword-Wielding Robber Killed At Vegas Dairy Queen

Police say a clerk at a Las Vegas Dairy Queen shot and killed a sword-wielding, visit this site masked man who tried to rob the restaurant.

Detectives say the suspect was shot twice and was lying just outside the doors when officers arrived around 12:15 p.m. Sunday.

The suspect died at a hospital.

Metro Police [...]

WH Says Obama Supports Renewing AWB-Congress Won’t Act

On Monday, troche White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters that President Obama supports renewing the Assault Weapons Ban, order but pointed to Congress’s intransigence on the issue of gun control as the reason the administration hasn’t aggressively pursued the measure.

“He does support renewing the assault weapons ban,” Carney said at his press [...]

Texas Man Shoots Home Invader In Self-Defense!

Police are still trying to piece together the details of what happened. Some eye witnesses report that the home invasion included as many as three robbers, salve but the police have only captured one suspect. Here’s what we do know:

The alleged burglar(s) started the robbery rather politely – by knocking on the door. The [...]

Gun Owner Saves Cop’s Life, Shoots Deranged Gunman!

It’s not every day that you hear the police give a civilian a warm “thank you” for entering a lethal shootout, online but that’s exactly what happened in Early, viagra sale Texas on Sunday. But before we get into the heroic civilian shooter, click let’s back up a bit.

See a Man About a Dog


65-Year-Old Woman Thwarts Robbery, Fires 2 Rounds

A 65-year-old woman fired two rounds from a handgun at five masked men after they attempted to rob her jewelry store in Garden Grove, medical Calif. on Sunday. Her shots sent the men fleeing in such a panic that they literally tripped over each other trying to exit the store KTLA [...]

Veterans Groups To Promote “Hunt With A Veteran”

Pennsylvania Game Commission officials, in partnership with the state chapters of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), are encouraging hunters to help veterans discover or rediscover the thrills and joys of hunting in Pennsylvania.

“This is an opportunity to do something special for the fine men and women who have served or [...]

Gun-Toting 89-Year-Old SC Widow Scares Burglars

An 89-year-old South Carolina widow surprised and chased off two burglars who broke into her home by using a fully-loaded .38 caliber pistol she pulled from under her mattress.

Marlboro County Sheriff Fred Knight told the Florence Morning News he arrived at Ruby Hodge’s home Monday morning after she’d used her lifeline emergency device to [...]

UN ATT Fails On U.S. Opposition “After False NRA Rights Threat”

One week after the Aurora, Colo., mass murder brought gun-control back to the forefront of political discourse, the Obama administration found itself faced with its first test on the issue — and blinked.

An arms control treaty to regulate the $60 billion global business of illicit small arms trading that had worked its way through [...]

The Other Consequences Of Fast And Furious

On the night of Dec. 14, visit 2010, more about U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was shot and killed while on patrol in an Arizona canyon near the U.S.-Mexico border. Two guns found at the scene were linked to an investigation being run by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) [...]

Seven Tips For Summer Concealed Carry For CCW Holders

By: Rob Reed

As much of the country continues to bake under record high temps many concealed carry permit holders are struggling to keep cool while staying armed.

The problem is that, viagra dosage for many people, approved the hotter it gets, the fewer clothes are worn. For example, a CCW setup that works with [...]