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Cryo Chamber

Elena Kagan’s Opposition to Gun Rights

A third instance of Elena Kagan opposing Americans’ Second Amendment right to own a gun has now become public, sale and is sure to become a major issue in her Supreme Court confirmation hearings. And it confirms that President Obama’s gun-control agenda is to create a Supreme Court that will “reinterpret” the Second Amendment until [...]

Handgun sales surge locally, statewide

Louisiana’s steadily increasing concealed-handgun permit sales spiked last year, reaching more than 9,000 and almost doubling those in 2008, according to State Police.Some attribute the jump to the lingering speculation of gun owners who suspect the federal government plans to restrict firearm use. Others suggest the economic downturn and a perceived need for protection might [...]

Obama’s assassination program

Broad assertions of executive power haven’t even been limited to the last administration. Instead, we’ve seen the powers of the president expand, with the Obama administration asserting the right to assassinate American citizens without any due process or finding of guilt whatsoever. [...]

Mo. House endorses sovereignty resolution

A proposed constitutional amendment asserting state sovereignty received first-round approval today from the Missouri House.

The resolution would bar the state from enforcing or recognizing certain federal policies, most notably requirements mandated by the health care law signed recently by President Obama. It would also cover issues such as cap and trade, abortion laws, gun [...]

No copyright/patent reform for you, America

Since Obama was the young newcomer, technically savvy, many of us were hoping that he might support patent and/or copyright reform. In case our story earlier on this subject didn’t already tip you off, this certainly will: Obama has sided squarely with the RIAA/MPAA lobby, and backs ACTA.

It seems that the RIAA, MPAA, and [...]

No more fishing the oceans, great lakes or inland waters?

The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation’s oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters.

“When the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) completed their successful campaign to convince the Ontario government to end [...]

Left-Wing Prof Shoots 6 in Alabama

A fatal shooting at the University of Alabama in Huntsville has opened a 24-year-old can of worms in Massachusetts, forcing law enforcement there to reopen the investigation of an earlier incident involving the same perpetrator.

Amy Bishop, a 44-year-old Harvard-educated neurobiology professor at the university, pulled out a 9mm for which she had no carry [...]

Feds push for tracking cell phones

The Obama administration has argued that warrantless tracking is permitted because Americans enjoy no “reasonable expectation of privacy” in their–or at least their cell phones’–whereabouts. U.S. Department of Justice lawyers say that “a customer’s Fourth Amendment rights are not violated when the phone company reveals to the government its own records” that show where a [...]

White House Anti-Gun Agenda Being Argued In Supreme Court

It’s official Obama was lying, and now the White House Anti-Gun Agenda is set to be argued in Supreme Court.

The long-awaited challenge to Chicago’s handgun ban will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court on March 2, 2010 and already it is looking like everyone, on both sides of the issue, anticipates that the [...]

Local Democrat Explains Vote Against Voting Rights, Admits Illegal Gun Possession

Last week, the D.C. Democratic State Committee voted in favor of a resolution urging President Barack Obama to mention D.C. voting rights in his upcoming State of the Union address.

Now voting rights is an issue of considerable consensus in this town, particularly among the political class. But not complete consensus, it turns out. One [...]