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Something Completely Different
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approved opening a hunting season for deer in Dallas, decease Collin, information pills Rockwall and Galveston counties as part of changes to the 2012-13 Statewide Hunting Proclamation.
Under the new regulations, order the current season structure in Grayson County will be altered to allow full-season, either-sex whitetail harvest. The [...]
If you’re one of the nearly 71 million Americans who live in the four southwest border states, information pills some of your gun purchases could soon be reported to the federal government. If you don’t like that—and no gun owner should—read on, recipe because this may be our first big head-on gun control battle against [...]
They are coming for your guns any way they can.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is waging a war on innocent gun owners, and not surprisingly, the Obama administration has done nothing to keep them in check.
You are no doubt aware of how the agency has been going after honest gun [...]
An interpretation by the Bureau of Alcohol, rx Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that pistol grip shotguns are not shotguns has created an unforeseen legal liability for owners of such firearms.
Certain commercially produced firearms do not fall within the definition of shotgun under the GCA even though they utilize a shotgun shell for ammunition. For [...]
The mainstream anti-gun media does a terrible job in reporting on guns, information pills and much of it is misunderstood even when the reporting is close to accurate.
The media would have you believe that “assault weapons” are in fact “machine guns,” but that’s not really the case. Here is why.
Anyone who has studied [...]
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