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Cryo Chamber

160 Weapons And Grenades Seized In Juarez

Agents of the Municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSPM) seized over 160 firearms, rifles, caliber and fragmentation grenades.

The Director of Public Safety Ciudad Juarez, Julian Leyzaola said that after the intensification of the operations are managed to secure 46 rifles, 120 pistols, two homemade weapons, five grenades and more than 25,000 rounds of different calibers.


‘War On Women’ In Mexico Worse With Escalation Of Drug War

Violence against women in Mexico grew worse during the country’s war against the drug cartels, according to the preliminary findings of a recent fact-finding delegation led by two Nobel laureates. The delegation from the Nobel Women’s Initiative also found that the same trend of violence against women holds true for Honduras and Guate mala, where [...]

New Trial Date Set In Fast & Furious Case

A judge has set a new trial date for 15 people accused of participating in a gun smuggling ring that was investigated by the federal government in Operation Fast and Furious.

U.S. District Judge James Teilborg set a Jan. 3 trial date.

Ring members are accused of buying guns and smuggling them into Mexico for [...]

Second Amendment Not Responsible For Mexico’s Violence

During his recent visit to the White House, approved Mexico President Felipe Calderon renewed his call for a U.S. assault weapons ban as a solution to the drug cartel-caused violence that plagues his country. He also claimed, visit web according to columnist Bill Press, that violence levels are directly related to the number of guns [...]

Man In Botched Gunwalker Scandal Changes Plea

A man accused of buying two rifles found at the scene of the fatal shooting of a federal agent near the Arizona-Mexico border is scheduled to change his plea Thursday in the federal government’s botched gun smuggling investigation known as Operation Fast and Furious.

Jaime Avila Jr. faces charges of dealing guns without a license [...]

AG Expects To Be Interviewed On Fast & Furious

Attorney General Eric Holder says he expects to be interviewed by investigators looking into Operation Fast and Furious, a flawed Justice Department gun trafficking probe, in which federal agents were allegedly ordered by superiors to allow hundreds of weapons to flow illicitly from U.S. gun shops in Arizona into Mexico.

During an appearance in Chicago, [...]

Family Of Murdered ICE Agent Demands Answers

The family of a murdered U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent is demanding to know if U.S. agencies could have seized the weapons used to kill him before they crossed the border into Mexico. Amador and Mary Zapata also believe their son Jaime, page who was only in Mexico for 9 days before his death, [...]

War On Drugs In Mexico Left 150,000 Dead

Violence between criminal organizations leaves 150, 000 deaths a year in every country in the Americas, purchase clarified the secretariats of Defense and the Navy. This clarification they gave both agencies after the Secretary of Defense United States, patient Leon Panetta, said that in Ottawa, Canada, which – according to figures provided by officials of [...]

Internal Memo:ATF Rank & File Don’t Trust The Brass

Top leaders at the Bureau of Alcohol, about it Tobacco and Firearms, page already under fire from lawmakers in the wake of the “Fast and Furious” debacle, cheapest also get harsh marks from the men and women who serve under them, according to an internal survey.

An ATF memo obtained by reveals that rank-and-file [...]

Drug Lords Targeted By Fast & Furious Were FBI Informants

When the ATF made alleged gun trafficker Manuel Fabian Celis-Acosta its primary target in the ill-fated Fast and Furious investigation, this it hoped he would lead the agency to two associates who were Mexican drug cartel members. The ATF even questioned and released him knowing that he was wanted by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

But [...]