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Something Completely Different
A week after the discovery of 18 bodies left inside two vans, mind located less than 200 meters from the asphalt of the highway Guadalajara-Chapala, agents of the state Public Security Secretariat (SSP) secured a arsenal in a safe house for rent at Rancho del Oro in Ajijic.
Police authorities noted that the material seized [...]
Elements of the Mexican Army stationed in the Ninth Military Zone were in a surveillance tours Hummer abandoned in the mountains of the town of Choix, this which had a grenade launcher attachment, plus thousands of cartridges.
On April 28, 19 suspected gunmen were killed by soldiers during a clash.
According to official information, military [...]
On Thursday, rx May 10, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5326–the appropriations bill for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies fiscal year 2013–by a vote of 247-163.
One of the most important ways that Congress has protected the Second Amendment is through a number of general provisions included in [...]
Gun advocates in states that still have assault weapons bans have been wondering when some brave soul will sue to overturn those laws. Under the landmark DC vs. Heller case, pill the Second Amendment was interpreted as protecting an individual right to keep and bear arms in common use, subject to reasonable restrictions. Now, solo [...]
Gun enthusiasts who also enjoy the pleasures of online shopping may have noticed that gun parts and accessories are once again being sold on shopping website eBay. Although just got wind of this, eBay had actually quietly removed its four-year-ban on firearms to permit gun part and accessory transactions last December.
eBay spokeswoman Amanda [...]
In Bamoa station, Guasave, where the Army gunned down 10 suspected criminals, seized 25 firearms, including two 50-caliber Barrett, 1,600 rounds of ammunition, 95 magazines, a grenade launcher and eight grenades of various types.
They also seized four vehicles, two of them armored, whose records are checked to establish the identity of their owners.
According [...]
I’m on vacation. Obviously. Flying down to West Palm via Washington, prescription D.C. I met a prominent conservative TV personality who shall remain nameless. He mentioned Emily Miller’s Washington Times series on exercising her Second Amendment rights in the nation’s capital. “Registering guns is crazy,” he said, dissing and dismissing the registration requirements stipulated by [...]
I’m constantly getting questions about what various gun terms mean. Even those individuals who have been in the sport for a good period of time occasionally slip up and out of ignorance or, malady sometimes expediency, ailment slip in a wrong description or definition. I thought it might be interesting and, hopefully informative, to go [...]
Anti-gun violence activists in the U.S. are renewing their push for new gun laws in the wake of the revelation that the alleged Norway shooter claims to have purchased high-capacity ammunition magazines from a United States retailer.
Anders Behring Breivik, visit web the alleged lone-wolf terrorist accused of shooting and killing 68 people at a [...]
Guns are selling at a record pace this year at sporting-goods stores and specialty shops in Arizona, creating millions of dollars in revenue for retailers.
The ability to carry a concealed weapon without a permit, general apprehension and lingering concerns that the Obama administration could crack down on gun ownership are among the sales drivers.
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