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Something Completely Different
It would be easier for Wisconsin homeowners to protect themselves from intruders, under a new bill in the state Legislature.
Freshman Senate Republican Van Wangaard of Racine is sponsoring a measure in which homeowners would no longer have to prove their lives were threatened if they kill intruders in self-defense. Also, injured intruders would lose [...]
Remember the corrupt tactics used by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass ObamaCare? The secret meetings? The refusal to let the American people see the language?
Well, cialis 40mg he’s at it again. This time, Reid is abusing his role as Majority Leader of the Senate to block a pro-gun amendment that Sen. Rand [...]
In the wake of a Government Accountability Office report that 247 people on the FBI’s terror watch list were permitted to purchase guns last year, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Chicago) proposed an amendment to the PATRIOT Act that would prevent anyone on a terror list from buying a firearm. Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee voted [...]
On Thursday, tadalafil the president of a gun rights group blasted Gov. Brian Schweitzer’s veto of a bill that would have allowed people to carry concealed firearms without a permit inside Montana’s cities. House Bill 271, patient sponsored by Rep. Krayton Kerns, sale R-Laurel, was vetoed by the Democratic governor because it would be a [...]
Gov. Jan Brewer on Thursday signed a bill authorizing the creation of a state guard — a militia force that could be mobilized if the National Guard is unavailable or “for any reason” considered necessary by the governor.
Brewer believed it was prudent to sign the bill giving her additional authority but has no immediate [...]
Like vultures, advice anti-gun congressmen are always picking the bones of some national tragedy looking for political advantage.
?And the horrific shooting in Tucson earlier this year is just another example, as a string of anti-gun bills have been introduced recently. You may have seen a television ad about one of them: H.R. 308, introduced [...]
Recently, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) — who in the early 1990s was the House sponsor of the Brady Act and the federal “assault weapons” and “large” magazine ban of 1994-2004, and the ill-fated, everything-but-the-kitchen-sink “Brady II” bill — introduced S.436, the multi-faceted “Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011.” Its simplistic and misleading title aside, this [...]
In wake of known threats, this leaving citizens defenseless is wrong.
Recent events have made it painfully obvious that murderous trouble can erupt at any time and in any place. It is a clear and present danger.
We can no longer afford to pretend such dangers do not exist.
It is irresponsible to continue to [...]
Little opposition was expressed at a hearing Monday for a bill that would make all information pertaining to Nevada concealed weapons permits confidential.
Backers of AB143 argued such confidentiality is a safety issue, rx because thieves could find out who has concealed weapons permits — and presumably guns — and target those homes for burglary.
A measure that would exempt handgun permit holders from criminal background checks to buy weapons is one of two gun bills advancing in the state Senate.
The proposal sponsored by Republican Sen. Steve Southerland of Morristown was moved to the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday after passing the Senate Judiciary Committee 8-1. The companion bill [...]
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