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Something Completely Different
Guns cause strong arguments, buy more about and two camps have an unbridgeable clash of assumptions.
One side assumes guns put us in danger. The other assumes guns, physician in the right hands, make us safer.
This division was most obvious 11 years ago, when Michigan made it much easier for law-abiding residents to obtain [...]
Kansas Senator Jerry Moran’s newly-introduced legislation to protect Second Amendment rights from a proposed United Nations small arms treaty is an idea that needs to be passed quickly, cialis 40mg the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
Sen. Moran’s proposed Second Amendment Sovereignty Act, stomach S. 2205, is similar [...]
Gov. Dennis Daugaard vetoed a measure Friday that would have allowed South Dakotans to carry concealed handguns without a permit as long as they had a driver’s license and met state standards for carrying guns.
In his veto message to the Legislature, the governor said he supports people’s right to carry a concealed handgun under [...]
A troubling bill has hit the radar of Wisconsin Carry.
We began watching this bill a few weeks ago, abortion but it didn’t appear to have legs at that time. Now it does.
Senate Bill 555 is a bill that gives FROMER law enforcement folks the right to carry on private property EVEN IF THE [...]
The Indiana Senate has approved a bill laying out when residents might be legally justified in using force against police officers.The Senate voted 38-12 Friday night in favor of the bill that is in response to a public uproar over a state Supreme Court ruling that residents couldn’t resist officers even during an illegal entry. [...]
This summer Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) introduced the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Act (S. 1249). This bi-partisan legislation will give states greater flexibility to use more of their designated federal wildlife resources (i.e. Pittman-Robertson funds) to establish safe recreational shooting areas. The legislation also allows for the proper management of existing shooting areas.
A [...]
Governor Susana Martinez has signed Senate Bill 26 into law. This legislation allows residents of New Mexico to purchase rifles and shotguns in non-contiguous states and residents of non-contiguous states to purchase these firearms in New Mexico.
“Senate Bill 26 puts New Mexico in line with federal law. Law-abiding New Mexico residents should not be [...]
The dispute over whether NASA’s early astronauts have title to the space-flown artifacts they kept as souvenirs from their missions may soon be resolved by Congress.
A bill introduced by the chairman and ranking member of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Science, Space, and Technology Committee would confirm full ownership rights to the [...]
Legislatures in a dozen states are considering laws that would eliminate requirements that residents obtain permits to carry concealed weapons.
Gun-control advocates view the efforts as part of a long-range strategy to eventually weaken gun laws across the country. But supporters say armed, recipe law-abiding citizens prevent crime.
Andrew Arulanandam, policy director for the National [...]
Gov. Mark Dayton vetoed the so-called “castle doctrine” self-defense bill on Monday.
The proposal, supported by the gun-rights groups and opposed by Minnesota’s law-enforcement organizations, would have expanded the legal justification for citizens who use deadly force in threatening situations.
The bill, sponsored by Rep. Tony Cornish, R-Good Thunder, and Sen. Gretchen Hoffman, R-Vergas, was [...]
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