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President Barack Obama has threatened to veto a Department of Justice appropriations bill House Republicans passed because, visit web among other things, it includes a provision that blocks a gun control rule passed in the wake of Operation Fast and Furious.
The Obama administration’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives wrote, and began implementing, [...]
Kansas Senator Jerry Moran introduced legislation to prohibit the Obama administration from negotiating away our gun rights as part of the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).
The ATT is a backdoor attempt to impose massive restrictions on U.S. gun rights. While negotiations on the treaty are being held behind closed doors, here it is certain [...]
In response to a recent op-ed in the Colorado Springs Gazette (“Government should not be in the shooting range business”), doctor NSSF would like to help clarify what the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act (S. 1249/H.R. 3065) will accomplish.
First, more about however, we must correct some statements the writer has made. The [...]
Politicians and pundits continue to politicize the shooting of 17 year old Trayvon Martin, suggesting that the lawmakers who helped to expand self-defense rights – passing laws similar to Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law in their respective states – are somehow culpable for the teen’s death.
What’s fascinating though, is that many ‘Stand Your Ground’ [...]
A bill that would allow people to carry guns into public buildings where they’re currently banned has met final approval by the Arizona Senate.
Lawmakers Thursday passed a bill that would permit firearms in government buildings unless certain security measures are already in place.
Those measures include law enforcement officers or armed security guards with [...]
Yesterday, health Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed into law Senate Bill 1241, an important gun bill relating to forfeited and seized weapons.
Introduced by state Senator Rick Murphy (R-9), SB 1241 passed in the state Senate by a 21 to 9 on February 16 and passed the House by a 43 to 12 vote on [...]
Requirements for people who want to openly carry guns in Oklahoma were changed Thursday in one of two bills in the state Legislature to make it mandatory to have proof of training but not a firearm license.
The changes passed by the Senate Public Safety Committee would require those who want to carry guns in [...]
S. 2213, physician officially titled the Respecting States’ Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, dosage treats concealed carry as a RIGHT belonging to the people – not as a privilege granted by the government.
“Rather than establish a national standard, our bill will ensure that law-abiding citizens are able to carry concealed firearms while at [...]
Republicans leaders are saying the fatal shooting of an unarmed Florida teen is a tragedy but remain supportive of the “Stand Your Ground” law the state passed in 2005 and say the legislation doesn’t apply to the case.
Former GOP Gov. Jeb Bush, who signed the bill into law, said Friday evening the law shouldn’t [...]
Alan Gottleib of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and the Citizen’s Committee For The Right To Keep And Bear Arms (CCRKBA) explains the value of Florida’s and other states’ “Stand Your Ground” laws.
Some people are twisting the events of the recent Florida shooting of a young adult by an overzealous block watch captain.
Those [...]
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