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Something Completely Different
The gun control fanatics in Congress are at it again, capitalizing on the public’s media- and government-induced fear of terrorism and contrived anecdotes to promote their watch list and gun control/gun-grabbing measures for all Americans.
In early May there was a hearing in the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs that gave perennial [...]
Call me cynical, this web but whenever I hear anti-gun politicians talk about these issues nowadays, I’ve come to expect a new thinly-veiled assault on our Second Amendment freedoms.
Either they want to ban our guns, track our guns . . .
. . . Or track us.
Well, after years of watching our illegal [...]
Ownership and carrying of guns by people living and working on U.S. military bases could end up part of next week’s debate in a Senate committee on the $760 billion defense policy bill.
Sen. James Inhofe, no rx R-Okla., a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, introduced a bill Thursday that addresses one [...]
Emeryville’s Chief of Police, Ken James – outspoken proponent of a measure that would criminalize the open carrying of firearms in all public areas of the state – will be attending a public forumdebate on May 26th entitled, “Exploring California’s Open Carry Policy.”
James has argued that AB 1934, which the California Assembly Appropriations Committee [...]
Today, cure by a unanimous voice vote, sick an NRA-backed amendment was added to the House Armed Services Committee’s National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 5136) that will ensure serviceable and once-fired small arms cartridge cases are available for commercial sale.
The Ellsworth amendment, illness offered by U.S. Rep. Brad Ellsworth (D-Ind.), compels military bases to [...]
Mark Snyder, an amateur biathlete, wanted to buy a .22-caliber bolt-action rifle for target shooting and figured the process would take about a week. After nearly six weeks, six visits to police departments and $300 in fees, he secured his rifle.
“I was not expecting a free ride,” said Mr. Snyder, 45, “but this is [...]
Displaying a gun to warn a potential attacker away would not be considered a crime under a bill to soften New Hampshire’s law on deadly force that is headed to the governor’s desk.
The Senate voted Wednesday to pass the bill that would make it legal to respond to a threat by displaying a gun. [...]
In 1950, Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) waved his infamous “enemies” list. Innocent Americans were imprisoned and many more “blacklisted.” McCarthyites exploited the buzzword “communism” to intimidate. Today’s McCarthy? New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Today’s buzzword? “Terrorism.” Today’s list? The secret terrorist watch list, with a million names or more. No one knows who’s on it, [...]
Sen. David Vitter, buy information pills R-La., look whose support for gun rights has earned him support from the National Rifle Association, order is considering whether to buck the organization and back a bill barring people on the U.S. terrorism watch list from buying guns.
“The recent attempted bombing in Times Square by a naturalized [...]
The United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, testified yesterday at a Senate Subcommittee about the New York terrorism incident. During the hearing, he mentioned that Georgia’s SB 291, currently awaiting signature by the Governor, is “very worrisome” to him because he fears it might permit terrorists to seize an airliner.
And he was being serious.
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