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Cryo Chamber

Strictest Gun Control=Most Cops Killed W/ Guns

By Mike Bauman

The City of Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation. Up until a few months ago, it was illegal for a private citizen to own or possess a handgun anywhere within the city, including in one’s own home. For 2010, Chicago also holds another distinction. More [...]

LAPD Chief Beck Warns Open Carry Movement

“What I can tell you is that if you Open Carry in Los Angeles you’re going to get inspected a lot.” – LAPD Chief Charlie Beck

This is an exact quote from Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck. He and Los Angeles County Sheriff Leroy Baca answered a question regarding openly carrying a firearm at [...]

New Gun Law Widens Permit Holders’ Rights

Under Iowa’s new weapons permit law — starting in 2011 — a person with a permit could openly walk down Central Avenue with a shotgun slung in a holster across his back.

Plymouth County Sheriff Mike Van Otterloo, explaining the changes to Iowa’s permit laws, said such a situation would be legal, but not likely.


GOA Offering Arguments In Heller II Case

Coming off some huge Election Day victories in the Congress, viagra 60mg Gun Owners of America is now setting its sights on the courts.

A big battle will be taking place next week on Monday, November 15, at the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Both Gun Owners of America [...]

Watchdogs Knock ATF’s “Project Gunrunner”

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is not sharing information with other federal agencies, is not properly communicating with Mexican officials and is focusing too much of their effort on low-level gun traffickers while ignoring the bigger cases, according to a report by the Justice Department Inspector General released Tuesday.

DOJ Inspector [...]


Acting on behalf of a Georgia resident and honorably discharged Vietnam War veteran, malady the Second Amendment Foundation today filed a lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder and the Federal Bureau of Investigation over enforcement of a federal statute that can deny gun rights to someone with a simple misdemeanor conviction on his record.

The [...]

Pennsylvania “Castle Doctrine” Expansion Bill.

Is it self-defense — or wild, sildenafil Wild West?

This is the question Gov. Ed Rendell and state senators will consider with the Pennsylvania House’s passing of the controversial “Castle Doctrine” expansion bill.

House Bill 40 eliminates a citizen’s duty to retreat if threatened at home or in public and authorizes the use of lethal [...]

Tea Party To Rally-Goers: Leave Guns At Home

Come to the rally, but leave the guns at home. That’s the call to Tea Party members as they hold their big election event at Hi Corbett Field this Saturday.

At a Tea Party event this past August, even the candidates themselves packed heat on stage. That won’t happen Saturday.

“The difference is that this [...]

Conceal Carry On Campus Controversy

Kentucky state law doesn’t ban students from carrying concealed weapons on UK’s campus but the university does and after the recent crime wave, many are questioning whether that policy should be changed.

“To ban personal protection of arms, when they’re not here to protect us is a problem,” says David Burnett with the organization, Students [...]

Chicago Defends Disarmament, Violence

While the City of Chicago is currently in federal court stubbornly defending its new gun ordinance, data reveals that the city’s United Center Park is the most dangerous neighborhood in the country, a situation that reeks of hypocrisy, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“The city’s new gun [...]