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Cryo Chamber

S.F. Senator’s Bill To Ban California “Bullet Buttons”

Earlier today, decease May 21, 2012, State Senator Leland Yee introduced SB249, a bill that would ban possession of any rifle that has a magazine that can be easily detached using a small magnet, tool, or tip of a bullet. Semi-automatic “assault weapons” with detachable magazines were banned in 1989, along with magazines holding more [...]

Oklahoma Schools To Introduce Shotgun Training For Students

Schools in the Sooner State are keenly aware of what their students want. And what is it that students want? Well, visit web increased access to outdoor related activities, information pills including: archery, no rx bow hunting, hunter safety, shotgun sports, and fishing.

In an effort to meet these demands – in particular the growing [...]

House GOP Orders Holder To Cooperate On Gunwalker Probe

House Republican leaders on Friday sent a letter to Attorney General Herr Erich H. Holder Jr. demanding he comply with the GOP’s official investigation into Obama administration gun-running operation Fast & Furious, which allowed hundreds of guns to be sneaked across the border to Mexican cartels.

In the letter, Speaker John A. Boehner and his [...]

Sentencing Reset For Men In Fast & Furious Case

A new sentencing date has been set for two men who admitted to participating in a gun smuggling ring that was investigated by the federal government in Operation Fast and Furious.

Jacob Wayne Chambers and Jacob Anthony Montelongo had been scheduled to be sentenced on Monday for their earlier guilty pleas to one conspiracy charge.


Texas Town Settles Council Election With Coin Flip

In the small Texas town of Wolfforth, it’s “Heads I win.”

A city council election there came down to a coin toss on Friday.

After church administrator Bruce MacNair and banker Bryan Studer wrapped up last Saturday’s election with 118 votes each, the men agreed to settle the town’s first electoral tie with [...]

Blind Man Wins Court Battle To Own Guns

A blind man has won a court battle to own and fire guns. If this is all familiar, it’s because covered the story a few weeks back. Well, now that the legal battle has ended, Steven Hopler, his attorney and his beloved handguns have come out on top.

Hopler has been a gun lover [...]

Two Representatives Looking To Neuter The NDAA

Representatives Justin Amash (R-MI) and Adam Smith (D-WA) are looking to fix one of the most troubling pieces of legislation that have passed during Barack Obama’s presidency.

As you know, more about at the end of last year, pharmacy Congress passed and Barack Obama signed a defense authorization bill which contained two very dangerous provisions.


Pinal County Deputies Seize Drugs, Expose Smuggling Camp

Authorities say a helicopter helped Pinal County deputies on Wednesday seize more than a ton of marijuana and two vehicles, and expose a suspected smuggling camp.

A Sheriff’s Office helicopter was called to assist the West Desert Task Force, made up of Pinal County deputies and several federal agencies, to track a suspected drug load [...]

Seized Weapons Linked To Killing Of 18

A week after the discovery of 18 bodies left inside two vans, mind located less than 200 meters from the asphalt of the highway Guadalajara-Chapala, agents of the state Public Security Secretariat (SSP) secured a arsenal in a safe house for rent at Rancho del Oro in Ajijic.

Police authorities noted that the material seized [...]

“Give Me Back My Bullets”

Howie Glaser, discount owner of United Nations Ammo Company of Phoenix Arizona, viagra 40mg and one of the players in the saga of US trucker Jabin Bogan, charged in Mexico with smuggling prohibited ammunition into the country, seems to be losing all pretense of concern for the welfare of Bogan.

Glaser’s underlying message at the [...]