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“Give Me Back My Bullets”

Howie Glaser, discount owner of United Nations Ammo Company of Phoenix Arizona, viagra 40mg and one of the players in the saga of US trucker Jabin Bogan, charged in Mexico with smuggling prohibited ammunition into the country, seems to be losing all pretense of concern for the welfare of Bogan.

Glaser’s underlying message at the [...]

Injured Vet’s Guns Stolen By D.C.

After being injured on his second tour of duty in Afghanistan, remedy Lt. Augustine Kim spent the night in a D.C. jail for possessing unregistered guns.

Mr. Kim was transporting his firearms from his parents’ house in New Jersey to South Carolina when he stopped at Walter Reed in Washington for a medical appointment in [...]

Deputy On Leave After Theft Of Vehicle, Assault Rifle

Sheriff Lupe Treviño placed a deputy on paid administrative leave Monday after the officer shot at a fleeing suspect who stole his patrol unit and personal assault rifle early Sunday morning.

The theft happened while the Hidalgo County sheriff’s deputy responded to a call regarding criminal mischief at a home in Hargill, more about according [...]

Man Filmed On TV Show Trying To Sell Stolen Gun

Police arrested a 64-year-old man accused of stealing a rare, antique gun after he was spotted trying to sell it on a television show.

Wheat Ridge Police say they arrested Wylie Gene Newton of Erie for allegedly stealing the gun from a private museum in New Mexico in December. The gun is a Colt Dragoon [...]

Eleven Wins For Gun Owners

On Thursday, rx May 10, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5326–the appropriations bill for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies fiscal year 2013–by a vote of 247-163.

One of the most important ways that Congress has protected the Second Amendment is through a number of general provisions included in [...]

The Next Heller Case? Wilson V. Cook County Goes To Trial

Gun advocates in states that still have assault weapons bans have been wondering when some brave soul will sue to overturn those laws. Under the landmark DC vs. Heller case, pill the Second Amendment was interpreted as protecting an individual right to keep and bear arms in common use, subject to reasonable restrictions. Now, solo [...]

Trayvon Ma Takes Aim At ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws

In a video timed to coincide with Mother’s Day weekend, more about the mother of slain teenager Trayvon Martin urged people around the country to push for new scrutiny of “stand your ground” self-defense laws like those in Florida and about two dozen other states.

George Zimmerman, pilule the neighborhood-watch volunteer who fatally shot the [...]

Austin Steals Elderly Veteran’s Home For Having Fallout Shelter

The city of Austin, visit Texas, was looking for an excuse to steal Joe Del Rio’s modest home. It found one – it insisted he had a “bunker” beneath the house.

Actually, it was a fallout shelter built during the Cold War, something millions of Americans were encouraged to build by the federal government, beginning [...]

eBay Reversed Its Gun Policy

Gun enthusiasts who also enjoy the pleasures of online shopping may have noticed that gun parts and accessories are once again being sold on shopping website eBay. Although just got wind of this, eBay had actually quietly removed its four-year-ban on firearms to permit gun part and accessory transactions last December.

eBay spokeswoman Amanda [...]

Alaska Gun Stores:ATF Engaging In New Illegal Activity

A report issued on Tuesday by Ammoland Shooting Sports News indicates that the ATF–the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives–is engaged in new illegal activity, this time in the state of Alaska.

According to gun store owners in Anchorage, ATF agents are requiring that they submit what is called ’4473 Forms’ going as far [...]