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Cryo Chamber

Students For Concealed Campus Carry Win Big In Colorado

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus has been hitting the streets (and supposedly the books) hard in Colorado this past year, fighting for the rights of students to protect themselves on America’s colleges and universities. The student’s rights meets gun rights organization got good news this week when the Colorado Supreme Court upheld provisions of [...]

Drugged Man Gets Shot Thrice Breaking Into Marine’s House

A Marine who shot and killed a nude intruder in self defense will not be facing prosecution.

The story behind this event, as reported by The Daily News, is an odd one. David Darling, a 22-year-old North Carolina resident, was running up and down a neighborhood street buck naked shouting, “This is the worst trip [...]

S.F. Senator’s Bill To Ban California “Bullet Buttons”

Earlier today, decease May 21, 2012, State Senator Leland Yee introduced SB249, a bill that would ban possession of any rifle that has a magazine that can be easily detached using a small magnet, tool, or tip of a bullet. Semi-automatic “assault weapons” with detachable magazines were banned in 1989, along with magazines holding more [...]

Oklahoma Schools To Introduce Shotgun Training For Students

Schools in the Sooner State are keenly aware of what their students want. And what is it that students want? Well, visit web increased access to outdoor related activities, information pills including: archery, no rx bow hunting, hunter safety, shotgun sports, and fishing.

In an effort to meet these demands – in particular the growing [...]

House GOP Orders Holder To Cooperate On Gunwalker Probe

House Republican leaders on Friday sent a letter to Attorney General Herr Erich H. Holder Jr. demanding he comply with the GOP’s official investigation into Obama administration gun-running operation Fast & Furious, which allowed hundreds of guns to be sneaked across the border to Mexican cartels.

In the letter, Speaker John A. Boehner and his [...]

LEGO Gun Book Causes Online Tizzy

Parents preoccupied with creating a conflict-free Utopia for their kids would seem to have little to fear from a Danish toy maker, an ingenious and enterprising British youth, and a small San Francisco publishing company. Yet this trio causes much handwringing in the May 16th edition of “The Mommy Files,” an online parenting blog published [...]

Senate Victory In Indiana Is First Step In Demoting Harry Reid

The victory in Indiana last week — where Richard Mourdock defeated anti-gun incumbent Senate Dick Lugar — was earth shattering. The national media’s collective jaw dropped to the floor, more about and the political pundits in Washington are now wondering whose scalp will be next.

Gun Owners of America was a huge part of that [...]

Free Videos For Teachers On Firearm Safety & Conservation

The National Shooting Sports Foundation has emailed its annual offer to teachers to receive–free of charge–its Conservation and Firarms Safety Education DVDs. The campaign is off to a fast start, sales with nearly 3,000 orders received so far.

NSSF believes all teachers and their students, whether in public, private or home schools, can benefit from [...]

Blind Man Wins Court Battle To Own Guns

A blind man has won a court battle to own and fire guns. If this is all familiar, it’s because covered the story a few weeks back. Well, now that the legal battle has ended, Steven Hopler, his attorney and his beloved handguns have come out on top.

Hopler has been a gun lover [...]

Two Representatives Looking To Neuter The NDAA

Representatives Justin Amash (R-MI) and Adam Smith (D-WA) are looking to fix one of the most troubling pieces of legislation that have passed during Barack Obama’s presidency.

As you know, more about at the end of last year, pharmacy Congress passed and Barack Obama signed a defense authorization bill which contained two very dangerous provisions.
