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Cryo Chamber

Gun debate consumes Washington

Washington has turned into ground zero for the nation’s polarizing gun debate, with rifle-toting protesters lining the banks of the Potomac, Congress on the verge of potentially gutting the District’s gun regulations, and area lawmakers calling for a crackdown on gun shows.

The events coincide with the anniversaries of the Oklahoma City bombing and Virginia [...]

Handgun sales surge locally, statewide

Louisiana’s steadily increasing concealed-handgun permit sales spiked last year, reaching more than 9,000 and almost doubling those in 2008, according to State Police.Some attribute the jump to the lingering speculation of gun owners who suspect the federal government plans to restrict firearm use. Others suggest the economic downturn and a perceived need for protection might [...]

More states join fight with feds over guns

Utah, Alabama, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wyoming and West Virginia all signed on to the lawsuit. The states argue that the U.S. Constitution gives them the right to control activities inside state borders, and they want the authority to do so under the firearms freedom acts advancing around the country. [...]

Does the Second Amendment apply outside the home?

On March 2, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments addressing whether the Second Amendment applies outside of jurisdictions controlled by the federal government. The court will almost certainly say that it does, and soon it may consider a question that should be equally easy to answer: whether the Second Amendment applies outside of the home.


Kessler wants to protect W.Va. gun owners from ‘entrapment’

Senate Judiciary Chairman Jeffrey Kessler hopes to send a strong message to the Big Apple and any others outside West Virginia: Hands off when it comes to entrapping residents with illegal firearms purchases.

In fact, order he dubbed his proposed new legislation Tuesday “the Bloomberg bill” after the New York mayor and his zest for [...]

The NRA elbows its way into the McDonald Case

One wonders if NRA members should be proud of their organization’s apparent newfound fiduciary conservatism. The so-called “premier” gun rights organization has now managed to finagle its way into the spotlight after someone else’s sweat and money rented the hall, approved built the stage, order and set up the sound system.

NRA lawyers are now [...]

Mayors Against Illegal Guns Loses Yet Another Member

Mayor Sheila Dixon (D) has accepted a plea deal for perjury charges stemming from accusations that she did not report gifts she received from a local developer. In a teary announcement yesterday, order she resigned her post as the Mayor of Baltimore as part of the plea.

As you will recall, ed Dixon, a vocal [...]

Bill Aims To Strengthen 2nd Amendment

To strengthen the Second Amendment rights of Oklahomans, more about state Rep. Lewis Moore has filed legislation to deter frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers.

“In recent years gun-control fanatics have used litigation to indirectly undermine our constitutional rights. By filing frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers, drug they have attempted to put those companies out of [...]