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Cryo Chamber

Secret Government List Would Deny Your Rights

bill (S. 1317/H.R. 2159) that would authorize the Attorney General to deny the transfer of firearms or the issuance of firearms and explosives licenses [...]

Insta-Check bill moves

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation would continue conducting firearm background checks, dosage known as Insta-Check, here under a bill that passed out of the House yesterday.

Gun rights enthusiasts have blasted Insta-Check as being unnecessary and costly, pharmacy while gun control activists praise the state background check as a way to prevent gun-related tragedies in [...]

1968 – The Birth of Gun Control

This is the first article in a series recounting the birth, growth, and death of California’s gun industry.

Early morning sunlight beamed through windows partially covered by steel Venetian blinds shading the first patrons at Larry’s Coffee Shop, situated not on a typical retail thoroughfare, but among the concrete tilt-up buildings defining an industrial park. [...]

Law enforcers aren’t ‘only ones’ we can trust with guns

Regular readers are familiar with my “Only Ones” files, named in “honor” of a DEA agent who told a roomful of school kids he was the “only one…professional enough” to carry a gun and who then proceeded to shoot himself in the foot. As I’ve explained numerous times, I don’t post such stories to “denigrate” [...]

Chicago Mayor Daley Seeks International Backing for Anti-Gun Laws

Fearful that America’s Supreme Court will soon strike down Chicago’s handgun ban, page frustrated by the Illinois legislature’s rejection of his anti-gun agenda, and repudiated by American courts and legislatures over his plan to sue federally licensed manufacturers and dealers of firearms for third-party crimes, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley (D) is showing contempt for his [...]

Time to go get a gun or move

Since our officers will now have to spend time on the road delivering criminals to Riverside County Jail in Indio, response times will of course be long or not at all. Therefore, I guess I’ll be heading to the local gun shop to arm myself. Thank goodness my father taught me to shoot in my [...]

Daley: Send gun industry lawsuit to World Court

Six years after the state Supreme Court dismissed his $433 million lawsuit against the gun industry, Mayor Daley today called for a change of venue — to the World Court normally reserved for disputes between nations and crimes against humanity.

Wrapping up the sixth annual Richard J. Daley Global Cities Forum, Daley convinced more than [...]

Gun advocates crying wolf about gun control

The false paranoia was thick last week during the Second Amendment March in Washington where gun advocates were demonstrating for their right to bear arms.

Granted, viagra 100mg Washington is no stranger to groups protesting injustices, social or criminal. But gun advocates’ fear for their Second Amendment rights seems about as misplaced as the banking [...]

Westmoreland commissioners allow guns in county parks

Westmoreland County Commissioners voted yesterday to change an ordinance to allow guns in all county parks.

Commissioners Tom Balya and Tom Ceraso, both Democrats, said they had no choice but to amend the county’s 1974 parks ordinance so it concurs with state law that allows firearms in public places, including parks.

“We would be foolish [...]

To keep us from owning guns, DC politicians are willing to trade our voting rights

Congress Daily reports that House Democrats have pulled a measure that would have given the District of Columbia a vote in Congress:

The House has scrapped plans to vote on a bill that would give the District of Columbia a voting member of Congress because of a controversial amendment that would override the capital’s strict [...]