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Something Completely Different
Like vultures, advice anti-gun congressmen are always picking the bones of some national tragedy looking for political advantage.
?And the horrific shooting in Tucson earlier this year is just another example, as a string of anti-gun bills have been introduced recently. You may have seen a television ad about one of them: H.R. 308, introduced [...]
Devastating e-mail exchanges between a senior official with the Bureau of Alcohol, sildenafil Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Phoenix, AZ and a cooperating gun shop operator have been revealed by Senator Charles Grassley in a letter sent late yesterday to Attorney General Eric Holder.
“In light of this new evidence,” Grassley tells Holder, “the Justice [...]
The USA Patriot Act could be used to target law-abiding gun owners. Section 206 of the Act allows “John Doe” roving wiretaps, ailment which authorize wide searches of people without even providing the name of the target to a court. The section merely requires a “statement of facts showing that there are reasonable grounds to [...]
Shortly, the U.S. Senate will consider legislation to take a number of key gun-related offices in the Department of Justice and remove them from the requirement of Senate confirmation. The legislation is sponsored by anti-gun zealot Charles Schumer (D-NY) and weak-kneed Republican Lamar Alexander (R-TN).
S. 679 would give Barack Obama the ability to fill [...]
Kenneth E. Melson, thumb acting director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, more about Tobacco, pills Firearms and Explosives has “blown past” yesterday’s deadline for the delivery of key documents relating to the Project Gunrunner inquiry that was launched recently by Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. [...]
by Michelle Malkin
For 30 years, Chicago banned handguns. The crime rate skyrocketed. Murders soared. Gangs blossomed. Desperate city officials even considered calling the National Guard to combat the out-of-control violence that all the “community organizing” in the world couldn’t curb. The Supreme Court struck down Chicago’s individual firearms ownership prohibition last year, but the [...]
Project Gunrunner Backfires on the Left
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” –Second Amendment to the United States Constitution
Barack Hussein Obama and his Socialist cadre, in their enthusiasm to “fundamentally transform the United [...]
One of America’s largest border enforcement advocacy organizations is calling on supporters to demand that Congress use investigations, prosecutions, impeachments, military tribunals, and treason charges if necessary to bring justice to those who betrayed American citizens by arming drug and illegal alien importing invaders.
New information is coming to light that one of America’s top [...]
Buried in Barack Obama’s failed trillion-dollar stimulus program was a $10 million bloody border racket that has now cost American lives. This goes far beyond the usual waste, fraud and abuse underwritten by progressive profligacy. It’s bloodstained government malfeasance overseen by anti-gun ideologues — and now anti-gun ideologue Attorney General Eric Holder will “investigate.”
Welcome [...]
The Department of Justice and ATF have missed repeated deadlines to turn over information and documents to Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), who’s investigating. ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson (at left) was scheduled to appear before a Senate hearing Thursday, in which he would likely have been asked questions about the scandal. However, CBS News has [...]
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