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Something Completely Different
Two weeks ago, erectile concerned about news reports that President Obama would order the investigation of citizens buying two or more rifles at a time, look a licensed Texas gun dealer contacted his local Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) official to find out if the reports were true, so he could be [...]
Anti-gun violence activists in the U.S. are renewing their push for new gun laws in the wake of the revelation that the alleged Norway shooter claims to have purchased high-capacity ammunition magazines from a United States retailer.
Anders Behring Breivik, visit web the alleged lone-wolf terrorist accused of shooting and killing 68 people at a [...]
Kenneth Melson was supposed to be the fall guy, the sacrificial lamb, the guy thrown under the bus to protect President Obama. Melson was “expected” to resign. He refused.
Instead, Melson, acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has turned whistle-blower and all hell is about to explode over the [...]
A proposal by Baltimore, pharm Maryland mayoral candidate Otis Rolley to levy a tax of $1 per cartridge in an effort to cut down crime and random gunfire in the city is typical of an anti-gun liberal who decries urban violence but offers a way for government to profit from it while not solving the [...]
Push for Gun Control Treaty Continues
A UN committee wrapped up a week-long series of meetings on a massive treaty that could undermine both U.S. sovereignty and the Second Amendment. This is the third round of meetings by the so-called “preparatory committee” on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) as the UN gears up for final [...]
In January of this year, this Federal Judge John Roll, a Republican nominated by President George H.W. Bush, was among six citizens murdered by a psychopath in Tucson. Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was among 14 wounded in that attack.
Predictably, Barack Hussein Obama and his Leftist cadres in the Democrat Party were quick to convert [...]
Gov. Rick Perry Wednesday lambasted new DOJ reporting requirements for gun dealers in states on the U.S.-Mexico border, store calling the new rules “misguided” and “constitutionally questionable.”
The new requirement from the BATFE, visit web announced Monday, page means firearms dealers from Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California will have to notify the federal government [...]
You’ve heard a lot about the “debt limit” fight going on in Washington.
But have you ever wondered how it affects you and your Second Amendment rights?
First, link a brief background: Since he took office, treatment Barack Obama has increased the federal budget from a scandalous $3.1 trillion a year to an even-more-scandalous $3.8 [...]
The federal judiciary is slowly coming to the realization that the Second Amendment actually means the public can have guns. That’s not sitting well with local politicians in Chicago and Washington who are determined to keep the public disarmed. On Wednesday, treat the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals made that harder by blowing away [...]
Capitalizing on its federal appeals court victory Wednesday in Ezell v. City of Chicago, abortion the Second Amendment Foundation today moved for a preliminary injunction against the State of Illinois to prevent further enforcement of that state’s prohibitions on firearms carry in public by law-abiding citizens.
The motion was filed in U.S. District Court for [...]
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