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Total Ban Fails To Stop Chinese Gun Trade

Illegal traders advertise with graffiti on walls, despite China’s near total ban on private gun ownership. To what effect has the black market succeeded?

“In 2007, a study by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies estimated the total number of guns held by civilians in China at 40 million, third only to the United [...]

Ruger’s 3 For FREE Sweepstakes

Ruger has a new sweepstakes and you’re sure to love the prizes. After all, who doen’t love guns, especially FREE guns, and we could all use more guns!

Top prize is 1 Ruger SRC9 9mm, 1 Ruger LCR .38 DA revolver, 1 Ruger LCP .380 pistol plus a range bag with extra pistol magazines…

Yeah, [...]

Gun Show Bill A De-Facto Ban

Rabidly anti-gun Congressman Mike Quigley (IL-5) will be holding a public hearing on a bill he has co-sponsored that would put gun shows under the supervision of the federal government.

The bill, pilule HR 2324, there would subject gun show hosts to a slew of pointless, time consuming regulations in addition to heaping all sorts [...]

Obama Bans Over 100,000 U.S. Made Rifles

According to The Korea Times, information pills the Obama administration has blocked efforts by the South Korean government to sell over a hundred thousand surplus M1 Garand and M1 Carbine rifles into the United States market. These self-loading were rifles introduced in 1926 and 1941.

As rifles, symptoms they are especially well-suited to community defense [...]

Gunowners:Expect The Worst From Lame-Duck Congress

President Obama has recently dropped his cagey and coy dissembling about his true “gun control” plans. In July of this year he once again made it completely clear that he was in favor of a renewed “assault weapon” ban.

Obama is no longer laying low on the issue. We also know where Obama’s socialist [...]

CA Ready To Ban Open Carry;Register Long Guns

AB 1810 RIFLE AND SHOTGUN REGISTRATION AB 1810 SUMMARY: Applies the same regulations relating to the reporting and retention of records for handguns to long guns, ampoule as specified. Specifically, purchase this bill conforms reporting and record retention provisions in order that transfers and information reporting and retention requirements for handguns and firearms other than [...]


The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) today filed a lawsuit in federal court against the City of Chicago’s new gun ordinance, cialis 40mg asserting that “by banning gun ranges open to the public…under color of law, help ” the city is depriving citizens of their right to keep and bear arms in violation of the Second [...]

Harry Reid Approves Ad Attacking 2A

The Harry Reid campaign has released a campaign ad attacking Sharon Angle as “crazy” for warning that “If this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking towards those Second Amendment remedies.”

The spokesman is Bill Ames, president of the Peace Officers Research Association of Nevada and a self-described “member of the [...]

Arizona Fugitives Show Our Need For Guns

Freedom is not free; however, pharm the natural right of self-defense was given to us by God and will not be stolen from us with legislation.

If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, health the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a [...]

Utah CCW Reciprocal In 32 States

The state of Utah, capsule one of Idaho’s neighbors to the south, doctor has seen a steady rise in concealed weapons permits over the past few years that highlight some differences in how the states handle letting citizens carry firearms.

A key difference between Idaho and Utah is portability—people who hold Utah’s concealed weapons can [...]