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Something Completely Different
Following continued attacks by anti-hunting groups to ban traditional ammunition (ammunition containing lead-core components) under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) of 1976, look Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) earlier today introduced legislation to clarify the longstanding exemption of ammunition under the act. The bill is being championed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) – [...]
Kennesaw, prostate Georgia, approved is Everytown, USA: a mixture of old wooden bungalows and cookie-cutter subdivisions, of seventh-generation locals and Mexican immigrants. Its quaint, cobbled historic centre is lush, with low-hanging trees and chirping cicadas. The civil war museum tells the history of the local Confederate fight against the Yankees. At the suburban malls on [...]
In 1923, California enacted its first significant, statewide restriction on guns. Intended to keep Latinos and the Chinese from carrying concealed weapons it became a law used to deny just about everyone, except those with political connections, from carrying a concealed weapon. There are a few rural areas in the state which are the exception [...]
Earlier this month, abortion my counterpart David Codrea wrote about a recent decision by the Obama Administration to ban the import of old, viagra sale surplus army rifles from South Korea. The administration, after previously approving the transaction, says the firearms could fall into the wrong hands. From Fox News:
“The transfer of such a [...]
Apparently, things are going so well in the Middle East that the State Department now feels it can turn its attention to banning the lawful possession of firearms by American citizens.
In a little-noticed decision in March, the Obama administration reversed an earlier decision and moved to block the importation of 857,470 lawful M1 semi-automatics [...]
State of emergency order makes criminals of concealed handgun permit-holders, viagra approved sport shooters and hunters.
[Raleigh] Yesterday, order North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue signed Executive Order No. 62, declaring a State of Emergency in advance of Hurricane Earle. In doing so, Perdue suspended the right of state residents to use or carry firearms outside [...]
A shining moment for California’s Gun owners who flexed their collective power and made their voices heard!
AB 1810(Feuer) – Registration of Rifles and Shotguns AB 1934 (Saldana) – Handgun Open Carry Prohibition AB 2358 (De Leon) – Ammunition Registration
All three of these bills posed a fundamental threat to the rights of gun [...]
The California Senate rejected a bill Monday that would have made it illegal to carry unloaded guns in public, but lawmakers will give the vote one more try.
Monday’s 20-16 vote fell one short of the majority needed, but the Senate will reconsider the measure Tuesday.
The bill, AB1934, was introduced after a series of [...]
Mexican President and Chicago Mayor call for end of U.S. Sovereignty.
A storm of liberal anti-gun opinion is swelling to force international anti-gun policies on American citizens as NAGR continues the fight to protect the Second Amendment from international gun grabbers.
Recently we reported that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration are [...]
The rush is on to ban private firearm sales at gun shows under the guise of referring to these sales as a “loophole.”
Federal law does not currently restrict private firearm transfers between law-abiding citizens whether they take place at home or at a gun show, prescription and NAGR is taking a stand to keep [...]
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