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Cryo Chamber

The Positive History Of Guns

When being threatened by a criminal or a grizzly bear, a gun is more effective than a cell phone or a camera. On April 19, 1775, the British attempt to confiscate guns from Americans triggered a successful revolution and resulted in the most free, most powerful, and safest country on Earth.

Dearest Congress, read the [...]

Modern Sporting Rifle (AR-15) For Hunting


AZ Lawmaker: Faculty, Students Should Carry Guns On Campus

Saying everyone but criminals will be safer, a veteran legislator wants to let qualified faculty carry guns on university and community college campuses.

Sen. Jack Harper, R-Surprise, said Wednesday there has been a history of situations where someone with a grudge comes onto a campus, goes into a classroom and starts shooting. He said the [...]


The Second Amendment Foundation and the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs have filed a motion for summary judgment in their federal lawsuit that challenges New Jersey handgun carry laws.

SAF and ANJRPC filed the lawsuit last month in federal district court in New Jersey. If this motion is granted, see there could [...]

Feds Seek To Implement Unconstitutional Power & Gun Grab

The Obama administration just can’t stop blaming the Second Amendment for violence perpetrated by Mexican drug cartels.

In the latest brazen attempt to circumvent the Constitution, information pills Obama and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) are seeking to implement rules that will subject American gun dealers to even more onerous paperwork [...]

CA:Businesses Welcome Openly Carried Firearms

Unless you don’t have a computer you know that Starbucks welcomes customers who openly carry firearms (Open Carry), despite a failed campaign from the Brady Campaign to force them to change their policy.

Thanks in part to the publicity the Brady Campaign gave to the South Bay Open Carry movement by protesting an Open Carry [...]

Rehberg Takes Aim At New ATF Firearm Sales Reporting Rules

Montana’s Congressman, pill Denny Rehberg, story today released the following statement critical of a proposed “emergency rule” by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to require federally licensed firearms retailers to report multiple sales of semi-automatic rifles. The proposed rule was included in today’s Federal Register and specifically calls for firearm retailers [...]

BATFE & “Emergency Authority” To Track Semi-Auto Rifle Sales

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has proposed that it be given emergency authority for six months, beginning January 5, to require about 8,500 firearms dealers along the border with Mexico “to alert authorities when they sell within five consecutive business days two or more semiautomatic rifles greater than .22 caliber with detachable [...]

Former Owner, Officials Rally To Replace Bushmaster

With Bushmaster Firearm’s sudden announcement last week that it will close March 31 and lay off 73 employees in the process, the property’s owner, state and local leaders are scrambling to replace one of Windham’s best-known and most successful companies.

Dick Dyke, the former owner of Bushmaster who bought it out of bankruptcy in 1976 [...]

Houston Store Owner:3, Would-Be Robbers:ZIP

Police say a Houston jewelry store owner has shot and killed three men who tried to rob his business.

Houston police spokesman Kese Smith says two men were in the store Thursday afternoon pretending to be customers when a third man burst into the store and stated, “This is a robbery.”

All three men [...]