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FBI:Terrorists May Be Eyeing Cyber Attacks On US

FBI Director Robert Mueller says terrorists may seek to train their own recruits or hire outsiders with an eye toward pursuing cyber attacks on the United States.

The FBI director says terrorists have not used the Internet to launch a full-scale cyber attack, more about but that the bureau cannot underestimate the intent of terrorists [...]

Texas Gun Sales Rise On Fear Of 2nd Obama Term

Gun sales are booming across Texas, and some buyers say their growing belief that President Barack Obama’s re-election is inevitable is fueling their race to bear more arms.

Book author Alan Korwin tells the Star-Telegram that some are worried that Obama’s re-election would embolden a major gun control push. Korwin has written nine books on [...]

Obama’s Plan To Kill Armed Pilot Program

The President’s wants to end the Federal Flight Deck Officer Program (FFDO), web also known as the armed pilots program. If Congress were to follow President Obama’s recommendation contained in his $3.8 trillion FY2013 budget proposal, they would be making a huge mistake. This anti-terrorism program has been a success and a cost effective means [...]


The Obama administration “is seeking advice and consent” for Senate ratification of an international small arms treaty, page and also supports the inclusion of small arms in the UN Register of Conventional Arms, sale the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms learned today.

The disclosure is found in the text of [...]

Federal Raid Of NM Gun Shop Netted 1,200 Firearms

Federal authorities seized more than 1,200 firearms and nearly 2 million rounds of ammunition when they raided a family-run gun shop in New Mexico last month as part of a multi-agency investigation into illegal gun sales and smuggling.

The Albuquerque Journal reported Sunday that the tally of weapons seized was laid out in search warrant [...]

Federal Judge Won’t Halt BATFE Rifle Sale Rules

In a setback for gun dealers in four U.S. states bordering Mexico, a federal judge on Thursday refused to temporarily block new rules requiring them to report the sale of multiple semi-automatic rifles.

Judge Rosemary Collyer said the dealers, backed by the National Rifle Association, had not sufficiently shown they would suffer irreparable harm without [...]

‘Fast and Furious’ Guns Linked To 11 More Crimes

Weapons from the failed federal operation “Fast and Furious” have reportedly been linked to 11 more violent crimes in the U.S., this including in places like Arizona and Texas where a total of 42 weapons were seized.

As early as January 2010, order guns tied to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosions were [...]

CBS Blames US Gun Laws For Norway Massacre

Anti-gun violence activists in the U.S. are renewing their push for new gun laws in the wake of the revelation that the alleged Norway shooter claims to have purchased high-capacity ammunition magazines from a United States retailer.

Anders Behring Breivik, visit web the alleged lone-wolf terrorist accused of shooting and killing 68 people at a [...]

Obama,Holder Busted In Gunwalker Coverup

Kenneth Melson was supposed to be the fall guy, the sacrificial lamb, the guy thrown under the bus to protect President Obama. Melson was “expected” to resign. He refused.

Instead, Melson, acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has turned whistle-blower and all hell is about to explode over the [...]

Perry Blasts New Federal Rules For Gun Dealers

Gov. Rick Perry Wednesday lambasted new DOJ reporting requirements for gun dealers in states on the U.S.-Mexico border, store calling the new rules “misguided” and “constitutionally questionable.”

The new requirement from the BATFE, visit web announced Monday, page means firearms dealers from Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California will have to notify the federal government [...]