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This summer Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) introduced the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Act (S. 1249). This bi-partisan legislation will give states greater flexibility to use more of their designated federal wildlife resources (i.e. Pittman-Robertson funds) to establish safe recreational shooting areas. The legislation also allows for the proper management of existing shooting areas.
A [...]
Governor Susana Martinez has signed Senate Bill 26 into law. This legislation allows residents of New Mexico to purchase rifles and shotguns in non-contiguous states and residents of non-contiguous states to purchase these firearms in New Mexico.
“Senate Bill 26 puts New Mexico in line with federal law. Law-abiding New Mexico residents should not be [...]
“The presence of firearms in households has been linked to increased risk of injury or death for everyone in or around the home” and “Firearms in the home can increase the possibility of completing suicide.” Not only that, while locking up guns is a good idea, “The best way to reduce gun risks is to [...]
The dispute over whether NASA’s early astronauts have title to the space-flown artifacts they kept as souvenirs from their missions may soon be resolved by Congress.
A bill introduced by the chairman and ranking member of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Science, Space, and Technology Committee would confirm full ownership rights to the [...]
I am not a ballistician, website like this but I know a load of crap when I see it. There are elements within the U.S. Department of Defense that have been recklessly careening down the road to an improved “green” 5.56 round for a long time. After burning through millions of dollars (at least $32 [...]
A knife-wielding attacker stabbed a judge and shot a sheriff’s deputy with her own gun in a county courthouse in Washington state on Friday, prompting a lockdown of schools and government buildings as police and SWAT teams searched for the attacker.
The gunman, described as relatively well dressed and carrying a briefcase, confronted the [...]
A man searching for buried treasure with a metal detector found a box of live grenades instead.
This happened about a mile away from the Bush and Beeline Highways.
The box wasn’t tampered with and authorities were called immediately.
“He found a box that actually said grenades on it..and we’re going to investigate to find [...]
Can the president kill an American simply because the person is dangerous and his arrest would be impractical? Can the president be judge, jury and executioner of an American in a foreign country because he believes that would keep America safe? Can Congress authorize the president to do this?
Earlier this week, U.S. Attorney General [...]
A US drone killed at least eight militants Friday when it fired two missiles on a vehicle in Pakistan’s tribal badlands near the Afghan border, security officials said.
The attack took place in the Shaktoi area of South Waziristan, part of the tribal belt that Washington considers a global hub of Taliban and al Qaeda [...]
The Sheriff’s Department in Bossier Parish, sildenafil Louisiana announced a plan in 2010 to train local volunteers to use shotguns, rx riot gear and a .50-caliber machine gun mounted on what the sheriff called a “war wagon.” The program was part of “Operation Exodus,” a plan to prepare for a potential terrorist attack or local [...]
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