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Something Completely Different
Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin (R, prostate C,I-Melrose) today released a letter that was emailed from the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to the New York State Association of Chiefs of Police outlining a new initiative by Governor Cuomo and DCJS that would confiscate illegal firearms, including those that are not registered but were previously legal [...]
Barely a month ago I wrote about a spate of recent incidents in which schoolchildren as young as five were seriously punished for committing no reasonable offense whatsoever other than triggering the anti-gun hysteria of politically correct, no rx progressive school officials. Those incidents were just the beginning.
In arguably the most ludicrous and outrageous [...]
Sen. Chris Murphy wants NASCAR to pass on NRA’s race sponsorship.
In a letter sent Thursday to NASCAR CEO Brian France, Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, asks the stock car racing association to drop the NRA’s sponsorship of an April race at the Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth. The race, in NASCAR’s top flight, will [...]
Former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ), sale a victim of a mass shooting in 2011, story and her husband, Mark Kelly, testified before a Congressional panel on gun control in January. Kelly told the assembled members of Congress that modern weapons “Have turned every single corner of our society into places of carnage and gross human [...]
The Senate Intelligence Committee voted 12 to 3 on Tuesday to confirm John Brennan as the next director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
However, cure Brennan may have at least one more hurdle to clear before final confirmation, pills namely, approved Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who has vowed to block his [...]
I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy nut in a tin-foil hat, but I can’t help but have a small suspicion that THIS kind of situation is the real purpose behind the lunatic rush to ban civilian weapons. Several states have already passed horrendous legislation within weeks of the tragedy at Newtown, yet our [...]
I have no doubt that many of you have seen this before, it’s been e-mailed to me no less than 4 times over the years. But it feels like we need a reminder of what is at stake in the deliberations that are ongoing. So much of this is eerily familiar: ~ The incremental steps [...]
The Detroit Free Press has one of the most terrifying, there unbelievable “home alone” stories to strike rural America.
It is the story of a 14-year-old boy who was keeping an eye on his siblings while his dad ran a quick errand Wednesday night, health who ended up guarding a reported [...]
In Dayton, viagra dosage Ohio, a group of protesters organized outside of a local gun and knife show, calling for a renewed “assault weapons” ban. Protest organizer Jerome McCorry had this to say. “We know that guns are being sold on the floor inside Hara Arena illegally. No background checks, no identification of any kind.
Tuesday morning, many in the media went all in with a sanctimonious attack against gun-rights supporters, whom they accused of heckling Niel Heslin, the parent of a six-year old boy murdered in the Sandy Hook massacre. The only problem is it was all a lie. Mr. Heslin was not heckled.
If you look at the [...]
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