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LAPD lobbying to end gun rights

Two years ago this June the United States Supreme Court said the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights was an individual right to own guns unconnected with service in a militia.

Today, in Washington D.C., Los Angeles Policed Department spokeswoman Sandy Jo MacArthur testified before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in [...]

Secret Government List Would Deny Your Rights

bill (S. 1317/H.R. 2159) that would authorize the Attorney General to deny the transfer of firearms or the issuance of firearms and explosives licenses [...]

Chicago Mayor Daley Seeks International Backing for Anti-Gun Laws

Fearful that America’s Supreme Court will soon strike down Chicago’s handgun ban, page frustrated by the Illinois legislature’s rejection of his anti-gun agenda, and repudiated by American courts and legislatures over his plan to sue federally licensed manufacturers and dealers of firearms for third-party crimes, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley (D) is showing contempt for his [...]

Time to go get a gun or move

Since our officers will now have to spend time on the road delivering criminals to Riverside County Jail in Indio, response times will of course be long or not at all. Therefore, I guess I’ll be heading to the local gun shop to arm myself. Thank goodness my father taught me to shoot in my [...]

Daley: Send gun industry lawsuit to World Court

Six years after the state Supreme Court dismissed his $433 million lawsuit against the gun industry, Mayor Daley today called for a change of venue — to the World Court normally reserved for disputes between nations and crimes against humanity.

Wrapping up the sixth annual Richard J. Daley Global Cities Forum, Daley convinced more than [...]

Armed civil rights leader Hicks dead at 81

Robert Hicks has died.


From The Times-Picayune: Robert Hicks, a lion in the Louisiana civil rights movement whose legal victories helped topple segregation in Bogalusa and change discriminatory employment practices throughout the South, died Tuesday in his home. He was 81.

What does that have to do with the right of the people to [...]

To keep us from owning guns, DC politicians are willing to trade our voting rights

Congress Daily reports that House Democrats have pulled a measure that would have given the District of Columbia a vote in Congress:

The House has scrapped plans to vote on a bill that would give the District of Columbia a voting member of Congress because of a controversial amendment that would override the capital’s strict [...]

Sheriff To Texas Border Town: ‘Arm Yourselves’

Along the border, fears are growing that the escalating drug violence in Mexico will spill into the United States.

Last month, a well-known rancher was murdered in southeastern Arizona. Authorities suspect an illegal immigrant did it.

The murder prompted governors in New Mexico and Texas to send forces to the border. This week, the Mexican [...]

Concealed-weapons issue dominates El Dorado sheriff’s race

Given El Dorado County’s Old West name, maybe it isn’t surprising that the big issue in its biggest election this year is about carrying guns.

Everywhere the six non-incumbent candidates for sheriff go – even Monday’s forum in an upscale retirement community – Topic A has been who gets a license to carry a concealed [...]

Mo. House endorses sovereignty resolution

A proposed constitutional amendment asserting state sovereignty received first-round approval today from the Missouri House.

The resolution would bar the state from enforcing or recognizing certain federal policies, most notably requirements mandated by the health care law signed recently by President Obama. It would also cover issues such as cap and trade, abortion laws, gun [...]