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Something Completely Different
Oakland’s has posted a video of an open carry debate hosted by the Commonwealth Club in the East Bay city of Lafayette. At the end of it, we learn that CA Assembly member Lori Saldaña, author of a bill to ban the practice of open carry in California, travels under the protection of an [...]
Fifty-two people shot, more about eight of them fatally in a single Chicago weekend, approved yet Mayor Richard Daley appears poised to go down screaming in his opposition to the Second Amendment Foundation’s lawsuit to overturn his city’s handgun ban.
The U.S. Supreme Court could rule any day on the case of McDonald v. [...]
America’s gun control proponents might want to consider shooting (pun intended) this memo to Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley.
“Dear Mayor Daley: Please shut up. You ain’t helping us.”
Is there anyone doing more damage against advocates of gun control than Daley? The man is a walking billboard for right-to-carry laws. Anyone needing proof [...]
Second Amendment: Chicago is deciding whether to prosecute a great-grandfather and Korean War veteran under its handgun ban. He refused to be a victim, and now there’s one less armed thug roaming the streets. What’s the problem?
If the 80-year-old vet living on the city’s West Side didn’t have the gun the city said he [...]
The Chicago gun debate finally shows signs of changing. With the Supreme Court’s decision on the city’s gun ban imminent, people might be beginning to understand that gun bans don’t stop criminals from getting guns.
At a press conference two weeks ago, Mick Dumke, a reporter from the liberal Chicago Reader, asked Mayor Richard Daley [...]
The gun control fanatics in Congress are at it again, capitalizing on the public’s media- and government-induced fear of terrorism and contrived anecdotes to promote their watch list and gun control/gun-grabbing measures for all Americans.
In early May there was a hearing in the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs that gave perennial [...]
An 80-year-old Chicago man who defended himself and his family from a neighborhood thug this week could be criminally prosecuted, cheap if Barack Obama had prevailed in a 2004 Illinois State Legislature vote on a measure to protect citizens who use handguns in self-defense even when their communities ban handguns.
“As an Illinois State Senator, [...]
American gun owners might not feel besieged, but they should. This week, the Obama administration announced its support for the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. This international agreement poses real risks for freedom both in the United States and around the world by making it more difficult – if not outright illegal – for law-abiding [...]
Call me cynical, this web but whenever I hear anti-gun politicians talk about these issues nowadays, I’ve come to expect a new thinly-veiled assault on our Second Amendment freedoms.
Either they want to ban our guns, track our guns . . .
. . . Or track us.
Well, after years of watching our illegal [...]
By John Lott –
Felipe Calderon’s understanding of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban is no more accurate than it is about Arizona’s new immigration law.
During his trip to the United States Mexico’s President Felipe Calderón received a lot of attention for falsely claiming that Arizona’s new immigration law uses “racial profiling.” Calderon’s attacks [...]
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