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AB 1810 RIFLE AND SHOTGUN REGISTRATION AB 1810 SUMMARY: Applies the same regulations relating to the reporting and retention of records for handguns to long guns, ampoule as specified. Specifically, purchase this bill conforms reporting and record retention provisions in order that transfers and information reporting and retention requirements for handguns and firearms other than [...]
The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) today filed a lawsuit in federal court against the City of Chicago’s new gun ordinance, cialis 40mg asserting that “by banning gun ranges open to the public…under color of law, help ” the city is depriving citizens of their right to keep and bear arms in violation of the Second [...]
The Harry Reid campaign has released a campaign ad attacking Sharon Angle as “crazy” for warning that “If this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking towards those Second Amendment remedies.”
The spokesman is Bill Ames, president of the Peace Officers Research Association of Nevada and a self-described “member of the [...]
Law-abiding Illinois firearm owners are under a renewed attack by Gov. Pat Quinn’s re-election campaign. After receiving the endorsement of a radical gun control group last week, Quinn’s campaign is now the apparent mastermind of a plan to place a referendum on the November ballot that would call for the banning of a wide variety [...]
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) cited what he described as Elena Kagan’s defense of the Second Amendment last week as he explained his vote to confirm her to the Supreme Court.
“The roots of General Kagan’s respect for the rule of law are in her respect for our separation of powers,” Reid said in [...]
During the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles in 1992, the one news report that stuck with me was how the Korean shop owners kept their premises safe from the marauding mobs.
The uprising was the reaction to the acquittal of four white police officers accused in the beating of King after his arrest a [...]
The United Nations is holding secret closed meetings to work out a global arms trade treaty. The agreement, which could be finished by 2012, is a threat to Americans’ Second and First Amendment rights.
“Some type of micro-stamping regulations seems all but inevitable. It is very, very likely,” the Heritage Foundation’s Theodore R. Bromund, who [...]
California Assembly Bill 1934, about it which would create an entirely new crime of openly carrying a handgun throughout most public places in the state has reportedly bypassed the California Senate Appropriations Committee and will be heard on the Senate floor if the author, erectile Lori Saldana (D-78) can find a state senator to present [...]
One week after Chicago’s new gun ordinance went into effect, viagra 100mg residents are already looking to apply for a required firearm permit.
Roderick Drew, buy news affairs director for the Chicago Police Department, said since July 12, when the city’s new gun ordinance became law, 240 applications for a Chicago Firearm Permit have been [...]
With the 85-and-older population growing faster than any group in the country, thumb gun ownership among the very old is increasingly a concern of adult children, visit web who worry that elderly parents will commit suicide or shoot someone they mistake for an intruder.-[source]
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