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Have we mentioned that this isn't your fathers' 2nd Amendment Website?
Something Completely Different
We haven’t heard much about gun control lately here in America, dosage and I am beginning to believe that is by design. The Obama Administration is hoping for Senate ratification of the treaty, which would, almost certainly, gut the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.
The fact of the matter is this: The UN Small [...]
Gun owners rejoice: President Obama backs the Second Amendment. Period. And he does it in writing.
“I believe in the Second Amendment, this site and the rights of sportsmen like you. Period. Sincerely, viagra Barack Obama,” is clearly and firmly written on the note up for auction December 16 by our friends at Alexander Autographs.
Mayor Richard Daley on Wednesday said that it’s “annoying” that the Chicago Police Department has yet to set up a database to let police officers and firefighters know how many firearms are registered in each home in the city.
The registry was a key piece of Daley’s new gun control platform after the U.S. Supreme [...]
I recently had a discussion with a younger member of the Open Carry movement. He is of the opinion that we should try to use logic and reason with the Brady Bunch. He attributes their actions to “…a poor understanding of the right to openly bear arms and individual liberty in general…”
When I was [...]
The National Rifle Association of America strongly opposes President Obama’s nomination of Andrew Traver as director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE). Traver has been deeply aligned with gun control advocates and anti-gun activities. This makes him the wrong choice to lead an enforcement agency that has almost exclusive oversight and [...]
In a blatant attempt by entrenched New Jersey politicians to strong arm citizens who oppose their re-election, information pills Senator Barbara Buono (D-18) and Senator Loretta Weinberg have introduced legislation which would require certain contributors to “issue advocacy organizations”, including the NRA and ANJRPC, to have their names, addresses and their employers’ information sent to [...]
New York City residents who want to own a gun may soon be denied permits if they are litterbugs, if they are bad drivers, or if they have fallen behind on a few bills.
If they have been arrested or convicted of almost any “violation,” in any state; having a “poor driving history”; having been [...]
In late September, salve several dozen UN representatives met at the University of Massachusetts in Boston to further discuss their plans for global gun control.
While our President may have a history of being absent for important events –missing over 300 votes while in the U.S. Senate, dissing important dignitaries who visit our country, etc. [...]
Recently the American Bar Association published a report urging:
[F]ederal, nurse state … governments to enact laws requiring that all newly-manufactured semi-automatic pistols be fitted with microstamping technology which would ensure that when a firearm is fired, site an alphanumeric and/or geometric code would be stamped on the cartridge casing … that would enable law [...]
“Gun shop owner gets probation for buying stolen guns, find ” Eyewitness News ABC 13 tells us.
An Humble gun shop owner will not be going to prison for his connection to the sale of guns stolen from the Cleveland Police Department.
Stolen from the police? Who is in a position to do that?
The [...]
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