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The family of Jabin Bogan, the Irving truck driver jailed in Mexico, is growing more anxious about his welfare as the days pass. “I want my son home! Please, let my child go,” pleaded his mother, Aletha Smith, at a rally she helped organize at Victory Park Saturday afternoon hoping to convince Mexican authorities to [...]
ATF yesterday released a report on firearms submitted by the government of Mexico for tracing since 2007. One screaming headline referred to the “Vast Majority of Mexican Crime Guns Originate in U.S. New ATF Trace Data Reveals.” If you have been following the issue of Mexican gun traces on this blog, prescription you will realize [...]
“The border is not a fence or a line in the dirt… it is a third country that joins Mexico and the United States.” Quote by David Aguilar, rx Chief Border Patrol Agent under the Obama-Napolitano regime.
The above statement made by Obama’s head Border Patrol agent set off a firestorm of controversy and anger [...]
There’s new fallout from the botched gun-running operation Fast and Furious. Fox News has learned the accused ringleader was arrested and released three times — and two of those arrests happened in Phoenix.
The most wanted man in the Fast and Furious investigation was caught in the act on a government camera firing 10 rounds [...]
Agents of the Municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSPM) seized over 160 firearms, rifles, caliber and fragmentation grenades.
The Director of Public Safety Ciudad Juarez, Julian Leyzaola said that after the intensification of the operations are managed to secure 46 rifles, 120 pistols, two homemade weapons, five grenades and more than 25,000 rounds of different calibers.
Rock star Ted Nugent is blasting the head of the Democratic National Committee as a “brain-dead, soulless, heartless idiot” in connection with controversy over his remarks that some think sounded like a threat against “President” Nobama’s life.
Nugent had told the National Rifle Association over the weekend that “if Barack Obama becomes the president in [...]
A former security guard suspected of fatally shooting a sheriff’s deputy and locksmith during an eviction in California died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Modesto police said Tuesday.
James Ferrario, 45, killed himself before his body was found in the burnt ruins of a Modesto apartment building where he had barricaded himself, police said.
Detectives [...]
Two federal agents at the heart of a failed gunrunning investigation are trying to shift the blame for allowing illegal buyers to take the weapons to Mexico.
The Arizona Daily Star reports that lawyers for ATF supervisors Bill Newell and David Voth sent letters to two members of Congress investigating Operation Fast and Furious.
They [...]
A New Hampshire grandfather has been arested and is facing a possible prison sentence for firing a shot into the ground and holding a burglar at gunpoint until the cops could arrive. Dennis Fleming, viagra approved 61, came home on Saturday night to discover that his home had been robbed. He saw the burglar, Joseph [...]
Violence against women in Mexico grew worse during the country’s war against the drug cartels, according to the preliminary findings of a recent fact-finding delegation led by two Nobel laureates. The delegation from the Nobel Women’s Initiative also found that the same trend of violence against women holds true for Honduras and Guate mala, where [...]
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