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The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) seems to have it out for our military. The department is using the city’s pointless firearm registration mandate to harass, information pills arrest and jail servicemen.
Army 1st Sergeant Matt Corrigan was woken in the middle of the night, buy more about forced out of his home, arrested, had his [...]
Bureau of Alcohol, cheapest Tobacco, salve Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agents have been visiting gun shops in Alaska and asking for records of firearms sales, stoking fears that the federal agency is building a list of gun owners in the state.
According to the Alaska Dispatch, earlier this year two gun shops in Alaska [...]
House Republican leaders on Friday sent a letter to Attorney General Herr Erich H. Holder Jr. demanding he comply with the GOP’s official investigation into Obama administration gun-running operation Fast & Furious, which allowed hundreds of guns to be sneaked across the border to Mexican cartels.
In the letter, Speaker John A. Boehner and his [...]
A week after the discovery of 18 bodies left inside two vans, mind located less than 200 meters from the asphalt of the highway Guadalajara-Chapala, agents of the state Public Security Secretariat (SSP) secured a arsenal in a safe house for rent at Rancho del Oro in Ajijic.
Police authorities noted that the material seized [...]
Howie Glaser, discount owner of United Nations Ammo Company of Phoenix Arizona, viagra 40mg and one of the players in the saga of US trucker Jabin Bogan, charged in Mexico with smuggling prohibited ammunition into the country, seems to be losing all pretense of concern for the welfare of Bogan.
Glaser’s underlying message at the [...]
After being injured on his second tour of duty in Afghanistan, remedy Lt. Augustine Kim spent the night in a D.C. jail for possessing unregistered guns.
Mr. Kim was transporting his firearms from his parents’ house in New Jersey to South Carolina when he stopped at Walter Reed in Washington for a medical appointment in [...]
DETECTION. Criminals killed by soldiers in Sinaloa, cost between April 28 and May 10, more about wore uniforms, helmets and boots, authorities reported. (Photo: UNIVERSAL ARCHIVE) Sunday May 13, 2012 Javier Cabrera / Correspondent | The Universal
Culiacan. The secretary of state Public Safety, Francisco Cordova Celaya, reported that members of criminal groups wear similar [...]
Elements of the Mexican Army stationed in the Ninth Military Zone were in a surveillance tours Hummer abandoned in the mountains of the town of Choix, this which had a grenade launcher attachment, plus thousands of cartridges.
On April 28, 19 suspected gunmen were killed by soldiers during a clash.
According to official information, military [...]
On Thursday, rx May 10, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5326–the appropriations bill for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies fiscal year 2013–by a vote of 247-163.
One of the most important ways that Congress has protected the Second Amendment is through a number of general provisions included in [...]
In a video timed to coincide with Mother’s Day weekend, more about the mother of slain teenager Trayvon Martin urged people around the country to push for new scrutiny of “stand your ground” self-defense laws like those in Florida and about two dozen other states.
George Zimmerman, pilule the neighborhood-watch volunteer who fatally shot the [...]
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