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Man Kills Couple Over Facebook Unfriending

Facebook really does give the crazies room to stretch their legs. A Tennessee man shot a couple in their Mountain City home on Wednesday after the couple unfriended his adult daughter. It is unclear as of yet if the shooting the week before was related to the spat about the social media site snub, dosage [...]

Border Patrol Agent Killed, Another Injured In Shooting

One Border Patrol agent has died and another has non-life-threatening injuries following a shooting near Bisbee, according to a Border Patrol spokesperson.

The Border Patrol has identified the slain agent as Nicholas Ivie, 30, who had been with the agency since January 2008.

Ivie was married with two children and a native of Provo, Utah. [...]

“Fast & Furious” Weapons Linked To More Deaths

As has been the case with much of the timeline in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives “Fast and Furious” operation, the details just seem to get worse.

This time, Univision claims it has linked 57 guns from Mexican crime scenes to the “Fast and Furious” operation — 57 weapons that were not [...]

Carjacking Suspect Shoots Self During Police Pursuit

A carjacking suspect shot himself after police pursued him for over an hour in west Phoenix.

After driving on the I-10 westbound for the majority of the pursuit, the man got off the freeway and drove on the dirt roads of a small town called Salome.

The suspect pulled over on one of the roads [...]

Fast, Furious: ‘Serious Failures’ By Justice Dept.

Republicans and Democrats are praising the long-awaited report investigating the botched 2009 “gun-walking” operation known as Fast and Furious, but not for the same reasons.

Three years ago, federal agents lost track of hundreds of weapons after launching the operation. Many of those weapons ended up in the hands of criminals, and one border patrol [...]

DOJ & Media Matters Coordinated Fast & Furious Reports

The Department of Justice and Media Matters corresponded and coordinated on stories about Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking, pharmacy ” going so far as to disparage the citizen journalist who initially broke the story, Matthew Boyle of The Daily Caller reported today, citing emails obtained from a Freedom of Information Act request to determine the [...]

Protester Dies After Inhaling Fumes From Burning U.S. Flag

Burning an American flag proved fatal for a Pakistani protester, cheap who reportedly died from inhaling fumes from the ignited icon of independence.

Some 10, buy more about 000 people rallied this week in Lahore, the capital of the Punjab province, to protest the movie trailer that Muslims say insults Islam, according to the International [...]


The Justice Department’s internal investigator is poised to release a long-awaited report on Operation Fast and Furious that could answer some of the big remaining questions about the controversial Arizona gun-trafficking investigation.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz and his staff have taken more than a year to look into the operation, in which hundreds of guns [...]

RECOIL Magazine Says The HK MP7 Is Too Dangerous For You

“Like we mentioned before, hospital the MP7A1 is unavailable to civilians and for good reason. We all know that’s technology no civvies should ever get to lay their hands on. This is a purpose-built weapon with no sporting applications to speak of. It is made to put down scumbags, and that’s it. Mike Cabrera of [...]

Sara Weaver Forgives Ruby Ridge Attackers

While a healthy sense of distrust and skepticism for the U.S. government is the only silver lining in this 20-year-old, gloomy cloud, adult Sara Weaver is willing to look past the incident on Ruby Ridge and offer forgiveness. Two decades ago, she witnessed the death of her mother, her father being shot twice by U.S. [...]