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Something Completely Different
If you file for bankruptcy, this web you run the risk of losing your money and your car to creditors.
But under a measure that just overwhelmingly passed the House of Representatives, more about one thing they would not be able to take is your gun.
The House this afternoon passed a bill that would [...]
Arizona Republican congressional candidate Pamela Gorman shoots four separate firearms, shop including an automatic rifle, in her latest ad.
The ad splices together glamour shots of Gorman, a state senator, with her firing off rounds in the Arizona desert.
“This year a lot of folks think this is our best shot at changing Congress,” [...]
When Winston Churchill, medications then Prime Minister of Great Britain, addressed a joint gathering of the United States Senate and House of Representatives less than three weeks after the attack on Pearl Harbor, it was a speech delivered at the right time, in the right place, to the right people. It helped strengthen and define [...]
In 2001, the shooting victims and Ileto’s wife filed a lawsuit against the manufacturers, marketers, importers, distributors, and sellers of the firearms related to Furrow’s shooting spree. They alleged that those defendants intentionally produced, marketed, distributed, and sold more firearms than the legitimate market demanded, in order to take advantage of re-sales to distributors that [...]
By John Lott –
Felipe Calderon’s understanding of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban is no more accurate than it is about Arizona’s new immigration law.
During his trip to the United States Mexico’s President Felipe Calderón received a lot of attention for falsely claiming that Arizona’s new immigration law uses “racial profiling.” Calderon’s attacks [...]
Today, cure by a unanimous voice vote, sick an NRA-backed amendment was added to the House Armed Services Committee’s National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 5136) that will ensure serviceable and once-fired small arms cartridge cases are available for commercial sale.
The Ellsworth amendment, illness offered by U.S. Rep. Brad Ellsworth (D-Ind.), compels military bases to [...]
Two years ago this June the United States Supreme Court said the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights was an individual right to own guns unconnected with service in a militia.
Today, in Washington D.C., Los Angeles Policed Department spokeswoman Sandy Jo MacArthur testified before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in [...]
bill (S. 1317/H.R. 2159) that would authorize the Attorney General to deny the transfer of firearms or the issuance of firearms and explosives licenses [...]
Washington has turned into ground zero for the nation’s polarizing gun debate, with rifle-toting protesters lining the banks of the Potomac, Congress on the verge of potentially gutting the District’s gun regulations, and area lawmakers calling for a crackdown on gun shows.
The events coincide with the anniversaries of the Oklahoma City bombing and Virginia [...]
Utah, Alabama, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wyoming and West Virginia all signed on to the lawsuit. The states argue that the U.S. Constitution gives them the right to control activities inside state borders, and they want the authority to do so under the firearms freedom acts advancing around the country. [...]
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