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Electromagnetic pulses (EMP) are oversized outbursts of atmospheric electricity. Whether powered by geomagnetic storms or by nuclear blasts, their resultant intense magnetic fields can induce ground currents strong enough to burn out power lines and electrical equipment across state lines.
There is talk of catastrophe ahead, depending on whom you believe, because of the threat [...]
A bill introduced by Representative Dan Boren has firearm owners and gun control supporters in a shootout.
The bill would begin a study into firearm microstamping.
Supporters say microstamping would help law enforcement track bullet cartridges back to the weapon. Opponents in Oklahoma say it’s another shot at gun control, and their second amendment right.-[source]
U.S. senators and representatives from both sides of the aisle are urging Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to revisit the State Department’s March 2010 decision disallowing the importation of M1 rifles and M1 carbines from South Korea.
In a letter to Secretary Clinton, viagra buy Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) and 15 other senators state [...]
While much of the mainstream media ignored the Korean M1 story, nurse there is still hope for collectors that the rifles, which were blocked for importation to the United States, could still return home.
Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) have sponsored a bill “to amend the Arms Export Control Act to [...]
Many Americans recently lamented the six-month anniversary of ObamaCare, a law that is guaranteed to result in tremendous violations of our gun rights.
How do we know that? We know because of what the feds have already been doing with legislation that George Bush signed two years ago.
With the passage of the Veterans Disarmament [...]
Mexican President and Chicago Mayor call for end of U.S. Sovereignty.
A storm of liberal anti-gun opinion is swelling to force international anti-gun policies on American citizens as NAGR continues the fight to protect the Second Amendment from international gun grabbers.
Recently we reported that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration are [...]
The rush is on to ban private firearm sales at gun shows under the guise of referring to these sales as a “loophole.”
Federal law does not currently restrict private firearm transfers between law-abiding citizens whether they take place at home or at a gun show, prescription and NAGR is taking a stand to keep [...]
Rabidly anti-gun Congressman Mike Quigley (IL-5) will be holding a public hearing on a bill he has co-sponsored that would put gun shows under the supervision of the federal government.
The bill, pilule HR 2324, there would subject gun show hosts to a slew of pointless, time consuming regulations in addition to heaping all sorts [...]
President Obama has recently dropped his cagey and coy dissembling about his true “gun control” plans. In July of this year he once again made it completely clear that he was in favor of a renewed “assault weapon” ban.
Obama is no longer laying low on the issue. We also know where Obama’s socialist [...]
Gun owners and sportsmen earned a victory this week as the House Financial Services Committee considered and adopted an amendment offered by Congressman Tom Price (R-Ga.) to protect the Second Amendment rights of public housing residents.
His amendment to H.R. 4868—the Housing Preservation and Tenant Protection Act—was adopted by a voice vote on Tuesday evening. [...]
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