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Have we mentioned that this isn't your fathers' 2nd Amendment Website?
Something Completely Different
By Kirby Ferris
Copyright 2011, link Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership “Gun Control” advocates fall into only two categories: the Liars and the Ignorant. There is no third category.
The Liars invent the lies. The Ignorant believe the lies and repeat them.
Truly fervent “gun control” advocates are quite often mentally ill. Their [...]
The National Rifle Association has a rich history that goes back to shortly after the Civil War, when in 1871, Union veterans created it to train city-slicker troops who couldn’t hit the side of a barn with their musket shots. But as the 4 million-strong group readies its fight to oust President Obama in 2012, [...]
Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy claims that “federal gun laws are akin to ‘government-sponsored racism.’ ”
“I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of African-American history in this country, rx and tell me if I’m crazy: Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms into our urban centers, order [...]
When Wisconsin’s law allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons goes into effect, viagra 40mg Shawn Winrich is likely to take advantage of it. But if he does, visit this he’ll do it grudgingly.
Winrich, viagra a 34-year-old Madison resident and a member of the gun rights group Wisconsin Carry, likes to carry his Glock 17. [...]
The Second Amendment Foundation has been joined by 17 other firearms rights groups in an amicus brief filed in a case now before the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, stomach challenging laws that prohibit the carrying of firearms by law-abiding non-resident U.S. citizens in Denver, Colorado.
The case, Peterson v. Garcia, was filed by Washington [...]
Opponents of a campus gun ban at the University of Colorado told the state Supreme Court on Wednesday the ban is illegal because it was not approved by the Legislature.
Jim Manley, pilule representing a group of students promoting concealed carry of firearms on campus, said lawmakers would have listed universities as exceptions in a [...]
The economy’s in the tank – unemployment has been in double digits for a couple of years.
The state budget has a $10.8 billion hole in it.
It’s June, sickness but yesterday it was 53 degrees and raining in the Bay Area.
And now, medical just to make us feel even worse about the Golden [...]
This just in from Sam Paredes of Gun Owners Of California:
“AB 809 (Feuer’s long gun registration bill) just passed out of the Assembly on a vote of 44-2 w/ no Republicans voting at all. Reps walked off the floor when the Speaker wouldn’t grant them the courtesy of a 15 min caucus. Such pettiness [...]
If you’re one of the nearly 71 million Americans who live in the four southwest border states, information pills some of your gun purchases could soon be reported to the federal government. If you don’t like that—and no gun owner should—read on, recipe because this may be our first big head-on gun control battle against [...]
Remember the corrupt tactics used by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass ObamaCare? The secret meetings? The refusal to let the American people see the language?
Well, cialis 40mg he’s at it again. This time, Reid is abusing his role as Majority Leader of the Senate to block a pro-gun amendment that Sen. Rand [...]
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